New Nosy Be!


New Member
This little guy arrived today. He's a 3 month offspring of Kammerflage's sire "Curufin". I saw a picture of Curufin a year ago, around the time I was getting into chameleons and thought, one day I'd love a Nosy Be. I decided to make sure I was up to the task before I took on the requirements of a Panther (caging size/food). I started with a CB female carpet and a wc pygmy and have successfully kept them for a little over a year now so I decided now was the time. It worked out well because the male that got me interested in Nosy Be's just happened to have a clutch about ready to ship. Anyway, I can't wait to watch him grow up. Already it seems to me that Panthers have more "personality" than either my carpet or pygmy, although the pygmy is undeniably cute. I'm letting him settle in for now, but I just had to snap a picture!


  • Nosy Be day 1 1.jpg
    Nosy Be day 1 1.jpg
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