New Nursery Set up and Product Review


Established Member
As some of you may know we have a new sponsor here by the name of Dragonstrand. One of their products is a set of nursery cages that I thought would really fill a niche for separating babies as they grow.

So I ordered one and I thought I would share the set up and details. I would suggest you hit the website for details and such.

To start, packaging was great and Bill was very helpful.

SO, unpacked, put together, and ready for accessories.

You can see here the individual basking lamps on each cage. They are 25w bulbs

Misters set up in each cage.

Examples of how i am decorating each cage for easy removal of parts for cleaning. Also shot of feeder cup.

And the final product with babies inside!

The cages are designed so that 2 sets can fit on a standard, 48" metro shelving unit from HD or lowes. So, you can get a total of 24 cages on each shelving unit. This helps immensely with space concerns.

Overall I am very pleased and will be ordering more.
I love my set of baby cages. They insure no injuries due to playing or fighting. You know that baby is eating instead of wondering who the poops came from. They make raising babies a lot less work and stress.
Awesome set up! It's so little and cute! How about those babies??? What do they think of it?
Very nice!! What size is each cage and how are the feeder cups attached to the screen?
Thanks,, lisa
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