New Owner looking for advice

The chameleon’s legs are slightly shaking when she takes steps quickly is that a red flag? And i noticed her sleeping like this is that the grabbing leg problem frequently mentioned?


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You said..."how do I get the uneaten crickets out of the cage without scaring the chameleon. Also how do you gutfeed the crickets or if I buy them are they already like that"....I don't worry about the extra crickets in the cage...I put a small dish of chopped veggies and greens in the cage for them to eat so they won't bother the chameleon.

You can gutload the insects in the container you're keeping them in. Crickets, superworms, locusts, roaches can be fed and gutloaded with a wide range of greens and veggies and a bit of fruit.... Such as dandelion greens, make, collards, endive, escarole, carrots, squash, zucchini, sweet potato, sweet red pepper, berries, apples, pears, melon, etc.

Please post a couple more recent photos of her.
These are the best pictures I have over the past 2-3 days


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I get nervous when I mist or do things to the cage because she gets so stressed and turns that dark brown color
Oh I was confused because I had the 5.0, so I need the rod but 5.0. And how do I get the uneaten crickets out of the cage without scaring the chameleon. Also how do you gutfeed the crickets or if I buy them are they already like that
Feed your crickets vegetables and order cricket crack
Your Veiled doesn't look to be in good shape, I'd find a vet and take her to them asap, find a reptile specialist. Wait to long and you'll be at the point of no return.
You can't use the Calcium with D3 everyday. You will over dose them. You have to use calcium with no D3 everyday and then the calcium with the D3 every 2 weeks.

I am a new baby vieled owner and new to this site. I have learned so much about my baby vieled in just a few days from this community and I am so thankful. I had no idea about the D3 and I have been using Rep-Cal phos free calcium and D3 everyday for 2 weeks since I have obtained my baby. She eats about 10 cricks everyday and Maybe 8 meal worms all dusted with the Rep-Cal. I'm not gonna dust anymore until I make it to the nearest pet store tomorrow.
Im going to contact a vet now, is the white stripe just skin color or does that mean anything? And anything I can do to start pretreating for the bone problem? Also she is still not eating much and the dusted worms went untouched. What is a healthy humidity level the hydrometer said was 65-70% this morning


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Oh I was confused because I had the 5.0, so I need the rod but 5.0. And how do I get the uneaten crickets out of the cage without scaring the chameleon. Also how do you gutfeed the crickets or if I buy them are they already like that
"Gutload" is basically stomach contents. The crix excrete it fairly fast so unless there is more food for them in the cham's cage they become crunchy nothings. They also groom off their supplement dust. They need to be fed constantly in their storage bin and also while in the cham's cage (unless you catch and remove the uneaten ones each day). Hungry crix can bother and chew on your cham when its asleep. As for keeping feeders in view of the cham while in its cage, my preferred method is to put them in a larger plastic storage box in the cage, not entirely loose but not confined to a small feeder dish. I wedge the box in the cage plant branches where the cham can climb down to the rim of the box, watch the food moving around, select one, and shoot from a short distance. Having the insects confined makes it easier to remove uneaten ones at the end of the day and return them to their storage bins to refill themselves.
Guys my chameleon went from bright green to black when i misted the cage and turned on the lights this morning please help, it isnt heat realted cuz she was green with no heat lamp at night but I normally have no one home during the day right now theres people here but no one is in the room


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Have you contacted a vet yet, those pics with the limbs just doesn't look good, looks like early stages of MBD if it is MBD and doesn't get meds soon you're going to have a empty cage. You're going to find out how expensive Chameleon are. Best of luck.
Guys my chameleon went from bright green to black when i misted the cage and turned on the lights this morning please help, it isnt heat realted cuz she was green with no heat lamp at night but I normally have no one home during the day right now theres people here but no one is in the room

I don't mind helping you with some things but you need to google some of your chameleon questions. Buy a chameleon book or something lol they turn dark almost black when they are absorbing heat or when they are highly stressed. So if your chameleon turned black when you misted, it was probably because she was cold and is trying to warm up. If she's black a lot of the time, your basking area may not be hot enough. Google proper basking heat for veiled chameleon. For panthers it's around 85, I'm not sure if it's the same for veiled. Put your temperature needle right near the highest spot that she can reach on a stick. The spot she can get the closest to the light. If it's in the 70s you need to move the stick higher or you may need a higher wattage bulb. They also need a place to retreat if they don't want to be that hot. So also make sure your whole cage isn't 85.
You said..."Guys my chameleon went from bright green to black when i misted the cage and turned on the lights this morning please help, it isnt heat realted cuz she was green with no heat lamp at night but I normally have no one home during the day right now theres people here but no one is in the room"...chameleons are usually light colors when sleeping and it doesn't surprise me that it went dark when you put the lights on and started misting...they have to warm up in the morning and darkening the colors allows them to absorb more heat.

As for hearing...they can hear. Their best range is 200 to 600 cps.
The meeting is monday at 730 am they are closed weekends I the first one I could. And I do google them but the answers are always vague with many answers. And I misted again later and the chameleon was fine so I still think it was stress im not sure if it was the business or the temperature but the temperature fits those descriptions so
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