New owner with some question!

Hi enclosure size is good. My screenshot of Internet reptile was just to show the light sorry . Ok basking light you don't want ceramic just a clear version of what you have not red imo if you have a 40/ 60 / 75 watt House bulb lights you can see which one gets you your right basking temp (also lights should not be in your new enclosure keep them on top outside)also daytime humidity for a veiled should be between 30 and 50 % you can run your humidifier st snd go up 80 /100%. As for the age of your boy I think he is around 8 months or so but I am only guessing given his size beside the light and this is a GUESS. But def older than 4 months imo. So forgot to mention what insects and amount and how often do uou feed and what do uou use to gut-loading. I added a link earlier ?
Hi enclosure size is good. My screenshot of Internet reptile was just to show the light sorry . Ok basking light you don't want ceramic just a clear version of what you have not red imo if you have a 40/ 60 / 75 watt House bulb lights you can see which one gets you your right basking temp (also lights should not be in your new enclosure keep them on top outside)also daytime humidity for a veiled should be between 30 and 50 % you can run your humidifier st snd go up 80 /100%. As for the age of your boy I think he is around 8 months or so but I am only guessing given his size beside the light and this is a GUESS. But def older than 4 months imo. So forgot to mention what insects and amount and how often do uou feed and what do uou use to gut-loading. I added a link earlier ?
yes ofc,i will place lights out of enclosure! i feed him crickets mealworms superworms .i tryed to give him dubias but he scared LOL hes hissing on dubia hahaha.i feed him every day once a day when i getting back from my job (4:00 pm)
Please refer back to feeder insect chart Supers are really treats and if you use mealworm also keep to a minimum. Hissing at dubai lol chams . Can you get locusts? My girl loves them. How do you gutload
Please refer back to feeder insect chart Supers are really treats and if you use mealworm also keep to a minimum. Hissing at dubai lol chams . Can you get locusts? My girl loves them. How do you gutload
Cant find locustus in greece...what is gutload?cant understand...

EDIT:i found it! I gutload (crickets mealworms dubia and superworms)with carrots and squash
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Ok if you look at your post it will have a number at the top right hand side. So I have added a gut-loading page its number 14
I order this one from ebay uk is that ok? The other products who i posted before from my country they do not exist here??


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1 more question plz,polyurethane foam is safe for enclosure?
Personally, I wouldn't use the stuff; there are alternatives.

But many people do use it; if you do, make sure the directions are followed exactly, it's allowed to cure completely, and you seal it with something like silicone (which also needs to cure completely).

There are many "How to" videos on YouTube on how to do it properly.
Personally, I wouldn't use the stuff; there are alternatives.

But many people do use it; if you do, make sure the directions are followed exactly, it's allowed to cure completely, and you seal it with something like silicone (which also needs to cure completely).

There are many "How to" videos on YouTube on how to do it properly.
"cure completely" you mean i let it dry well?
Personally, I wouldn't use the stuff; there are alternatives.

But many people do use it; if you do, make sure the directions are followed exactly, it's allowed to cure completely, and you seal it with something like silicone (which also needs to cure completely).

There are many "How to" videos on YouTube on how to do it properly.
Hi I have posted a thread on this . If you could look at it and give me your opinion it would be much appreciated thanks
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