New panther enclouser


New Member
Hi everyone my blue bar will be here on Friday and I'm posting a couple pictures of the chage so far tell me what u thing I should add or remove thanks


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I'd move one of those fake green vine things to the front corner instead of the back corner, and then maybe add some more sticks horizontally. About six inches from top, all the way down into the plant. Run them right through the plant. Scheffs are great, but when he gets older, those branches will not hold his weight. I know this from experience :) have one of those bad boys in my enclosure. That's all I have :) actually, one more thing I would try to raise that scheff off of the ground. It will fill in some of your empty space in the top. Probably wouldn't even need the fake green vines then :D

Can't wait to see your new guy!!! Looks like he's coming to a great home!

In the future, if you notice your picture is turned side ways (if your posting from a cell ) go back to the picture on your phone, zoom in a little, screen shot then boom :) doesn't turn side ways. Go to edit post, remove sideways picture, add new zoomed in one. Took me several sideways cage pictures being posted for me to figure that out!
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What kind of plant should I get I couldn't find much and the branches run pretty close to the top it might just look farther due to the angle of the picture
What kind of plant should I get I couldn't find much and the branches run pretty close to the top it might just look farther due to the angle of the picture

I like hibiscus. If you can find a large one they work well. Ficus trees work, and I also have some Japanese maples.
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