New Pygmies!!!!!!!!! (plus pictures)


New Member
I just got home from the reptile show in Hamburg, PA. I made the mistake of bringing money :).

I ended up buying 2 more Pygmy Chameleons. Plus I got some good photos of the ones I got about a month ago.

This is Nana (female Bearded Pygmy I bought last month).

This is Popo (male Bearded Pygmy I bought last month).

Now for the new ones, as of now they are un-named and I am not 100% sure what species they are. I bought them cause the looked amazing, where a male/female pair, and I got a small discount for teaching the guy how to sex them (he was selling them for friend).

This is the new male. (edit : judged to be a female Rhampholeon temporalis)

This is the new female. (edit : judged to be a female Rhampholeon brevicaudatus)

Both Together.

And the new cage I got for them. Its pretty cool, it has a wall in the middle so I can keep both pairs in the one cage. (still have to get some branches for it).
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The 'new male' is a female Rhampholeon temporalis and you are correct about the new female; she is a Rieppeleon brevicaudatus.

I find the temporalis not to be as forgiving temperature wise and like it a few degrees cooler than the brevs. I would separate them if you could.
Thankyou, lol. Timing is amazing cause Is had just checked the FL Chams web cite to ID them and came to the same species ID as you. Nice so now I have a trio (1.2.0) of Bearded Pygmies and the start to an R. temporalis trio. Still got a good deal still only paid $45 for both.

The 'new male' is a female Rhampholeon temporalis and you are correct about the new female; she is a Rieppeleon brevicaudatus.

I find the temporalis not to be as forgiving temperature wise and like it a few degrees cooler than the brevs. I would separate them if you could.
I wish I had more money I could have spent at the show, there was a Beautiful trio of Carpet Chameleons for $300 and one of our forum members (sorry I forgot your User-Name) had some really nice Translucent Veiled Chameleons.
The Hamburg reptile show is a good one. It was a rare occurrence if I didn’t come home with a little something.

Out of all the pygmy species I’ve worked with I think the temporalis are my favourites. Hopefully you can find some specimens to add to your group. I should mention too that the temporalis almost always come in gravid so make sure you’ve got a spot in your enclosure where she can lay her eggs.
She is pretty small a little over 2 inches (Is that big enough to be mature?).

I did move the new Bearded Pygmy in with the other 2, and the substrate is a soil/coconut husk mix.
Thanx for sharing these good lookin new chams! Your "new male" has an interesting face. "His" lips look very strange and i feel like he is displaying some sad emotions... Although i doubt it's that since he is outside in the sunshine. :)
I had a sweet little female temporalis for about a year and a half but was unable to find a male at the time to pair her up so I ended up selling her along with some superciliaris and brevs I had at the time.

Very nice little chameleons.

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