New Pygmy Condo


New Member
Some of the B. superciliarius that I hatched out several months ago are ready for big boy/girl tanks. So I thought I’d share the process.

Got the hydroton and activated charcoal layer going. Couldn’t find the charcoal locally so I googled “buy activated charcoal” and sure as **** it took me straight to which was kind of amusing. Corks cliffs too - brooks love those things.

To hide the silicon in the corner seam I crammed some substrate into the silicon – a dart frog enclosure trick.

Plants with sphagnum moss around the base – moss saves some soil.

Substrate with moss to hide the tops of the plant pots

Leaf layer, odds and ends, pill bugs


Air plants, Spanish moss


Female 1

Female 2


It's no surprise to any of us, but, that habitat looks awesome!
As do it's new tenants.
Keep up the good work!

I want to see the full rack shots

Hmmm ... I could have fun with that but may end up getting banned. I will keep it PG and take some newer pics of the pygmy room.

The cork flats are from and the cork pieces for the cliffs can be found almost anywhere. Its a 29g tank whcih is pretty common for my setups.

The cost/rent is frickin' BABIES and they better come through!

Thanks for the nice comments ... I spend oodles of $$$ on these things not to mnetion all the time I put in.

Roo, Drew and I think that is the coolest! Awesome setup! On our brevs' tank, we used sphagnum and bark chips to fill in cracks, too. He is really taken with those pygmys...wants some! (Of course, he wants many, many animals...) I put a shelf fungus in my brev tank, but no bark shelves. I did put driftwood protruding out of the back, though.

Wish we had a "pygmy room"....;)
That's a sweet tank, I like it. Out of curiosity (and I've thought this for a long time with these sorts of tanks), is there any reason you run the lower substrates all the way to the front of the tank? I would think that turning down the front edge so all you saw from the front was dirt would be a little better looking, unless there's a functional reason to keep it level under there...
You could also see by looking at either side or the back... For some reason, those just really bother me LOL.... I don't know what it is, just takes the natural feel of a tank and throws it out the window (to me).
That's a sweet tank, I like it. Out of curiosity (and I've thought this for a long time with these sorts of tanks), is there any reason you run the lower substrates all the way to the front of the tank? I would think that turning down the front edge so all you saw from the front was dirt would be a little better looking, unless there's a functional reason to keep it level under there...

I see what you are saying. Quite honestly it probably would look better (I'm obv. big on presentation) and IMO, after almost 2.5 years of building tanks, I still need to experiment and try new things. I'm kind of in a rut now with my techniques and need to kick it up a notch - maybe install high speed internet or add anole house servants.

Funny thing is, whenever I have people checking out the pygmy room, they always comment on how cool it is to see the lower levels of the substrate (charcoal and hydroton) and I kind of like it too, but I see your point the layers do stand out like a turd in a punch bowl.

all you have to do is apply black sillicone to the front and let it dry for a day before you put the clay pellets and substrate in.

great looking tank roo love the balconies, chams look great too lol, I can understand the visual look but i think i like the exposed sub layers i think it would help know what is going on in the tank. Iv seen roo's cham room although a long time ago now every is so perfect even his bugs were kept nice hahah i think everyting in that room lives better them me lol. keep up the good work good luck with makin babies.
all you have to do is apply black sillicone to the front and let it dry for a day before you put the clay pellets and substrate in

I thought af that once - using something dark in the front, right on the glass to hide the layers. I will keep that in mind for next time.

Thanks for the nice comments B.

Hmmm ... I could have fun with that but may end up getting banned. I will keep it PG and take some newer pics of the pygmy room.

The cork flats are from and the cork pieces for the cliffs can be found almost anywhere. Its a 29g tank whcih is pretty common for my setups.

The cost/rent is frickin' BABIES and they better come through!

Thanks for the nice comments ... I spend oodles of $$$ on these things not to mnetion all the time I put in.


Cork your talking about on is this VCP-(size) part right?
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