New Pygmy Enclosure


New Member
I am about 3/4 of the way now towards completing my new enclosure. Definitely lacking some sticks and twigs in there. I have springtails, a fern and some moss on their way from Josh's frogs. Any comments and helpful suggestions would be appreciated.


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Lookin' good!

As you said, it does need some more sticks.

Are the springtails for the 'clean up crew' or for feeders? If they're for feeders, they will be too small.

I have 1.3 Spectral Pygmy Chameleons on their way from Florida Chams. I should have them on friday.
I have the cage pretty well down by this point. At 6:45 am it takes 20 squirts of water from my mister with a 70 degree room temperature to have the cage dried out by 3pm. The humidity is down to 65 percent by that time too.
I attached a new picture to show my progress. I've added several new branches.


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Do you only spray once a day? I would suggest a heavy spray in the morning and a light-ish spray about a hour before the lights go out.

What size of cage is that? It might be a little to small for 1.3 Spectral Pygmys if its a 18x18x24.

Anyway, the enclosure looks good!

I wanted to get the heavy spray thing figured out because I read that you want it to dry down before spraying again. I will be sure to spray in the evening.
It is a 18x18x24 exoterra.
I was under the impression that this would more than accomodate 1.3?
I would go bigger if possible, if not then I would be sure to include several plants to provide "barriers" so that they feel more secure in their "own" space.
I would monitor them for any stress as well, for a while. Did you get any gravid females? I know they had some.. err maybe one.

Thom O
Looks good! That's the size EcoTerra I have; I got 1.2 brevs (about the same size as spectrals?), and could have easily accommodated 1.3. The ferns may or may not work out in the long run; none of my ferns made it (I think the light was too intense for them; maybe I could have provided more shade). Orchids have done wonderfully; every one (five total) I put in in January is still going strong, and they've grown.
You'll ultimately have to suit your misting to what your eyes and humidity gauge are telling you; one moderately heavy misting in the morning was fine for me during the spring and summer, but now that the furnace has kicked on, I need to do the heavy in the morning, lighter after work routine (like adamkwas said, an hour or so before lights out, so things can dry down a bit before bedtime).
I'd love to see pix of your pygmies once you get them!
The tank looks good. i might put in some smallish plants, the ones you have are quite nice but the all seem large.

Of the 4 Pygs that came in, only 2 have made it. The heat pack was either a dud or spent by the time they made it to my house. It was exactly what I hoped would not happed.
The 2 females that made it are doing great. They are eating and drinking well. The darker of the 2 might be gravid.


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