New quadricornis male from Hamm


New Member
Picked up my new quadricornis male in Hamm last weekend. He's a captive bred sub-adult and very cute!









Thanks :D

I'm very happy with him, he's eating and drinking very well. Will post updates now and then, i'm curious how his horns will develope. I still have 6 eggs at Tom's place that will hatch soon, unfortunatly the couple died a while ago.

I wasn't there at the moment but according to Tom they died because of some hot days last summer.

I don't know the sizes in US but here we measure in CM and he has a full screen cage of 60 x 60 x 120 CM.(largest size of ReptiBreeze here)

Will post pictures of his enclosure soon. It's filled nicely with lots of plants and branches.
What a great looking guy you got at the show.
Also a perfect age too as he is about 10-12 months old and past the baby stage.

Good luck with him and please post updates with photos.

As a fellow quad lover, I'm so glad that more members are getting them and sharing photos.
They are such a regal species, and so under appreciated.
I'm glad they are becoming more popular.

Nice!!! I have a 5 month quad that you can see in the photo contest. I can't wait till starts maturing like yours. Although, the juvi look has a lot of character.
Thanks for all your responds! Personally quadricornis, pfefferi and montium are one of my favorites, quadricornis and pfefferi the most. I just love their character and the way they look, just like tiny dinosaurs!

Lucky I made a reservation, at the right people, that's the best way to get the best animals :)
It also helps if you got some good contacts in Hamm to get good animals. :D

I will certainly post more updates but it will have to wait a month or so since I'm going to Romania in 1,5 week and Tom is going to take care of it meanwhile. I'm sure he'll be in good hands :)
love those when there baby's...lucky :p;) it them same care as a jackson or nah..i didint read everbody post.......thanks for sharing that sexy boy lol:cool:;):eek:
About the same, keep them cool and foggy and they will be alright. Most Trioceros species are doing great with a fogger in their enclosure.
i wanna get one of those locales but i wait for a few months.. im good with one for right now with my baby boy lol..maybe later....for sure...:D;):cool:
So, my quadricornis is back to his rightful owner, time for some new pictures.

Tom indeed did his best on him and he grew a lot, time for me to take over after my holiday.












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