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I have read so many things about tanks and lighting and everything is always different in some way i have a few questions. I did not look up any research on chameleons until i got one three days ago, i thought they were awesome and i wanted one.. know i realized i should have read about them first!

Q1- At night i am having trouble keeping his heat up so i went and bought a zoo med nightlight Red 60 watt, is this good to use?

Q2- My tank is a exo-terra the bigger on.. (45 x 45 x 60 cm 18" x 18" x 24")
and i was wondering if a glass cage is good for him or is it just preference?

Q3- I am feeding him small crickets and when can i start feeding him other things and what should i start feeding him next?

Q4- He is acting mad and does not want to be messed with at all is that just because he is in a new place or is it because he just does not want to be messed with??

Thank you for reading all these!
one more!!!! thank you

everything that the tank came with in the picture is all i have do you think i should get more plants??:confused:
Your Chameleon - I have a 2-3 month old Male Veiled Chameleon, 3 days now
Handling - Only less than 15 min so far trying to let him be for now
Feeding - crickets, 5-8 1st day 8-10 today,mid day, How are you gut-loading your feeders? not sure what that means
Supplements - have not got any YET.. the lady said he should be fine for a couple days with out them , waiting for payday
watering -spray bottle and ice cubes ,every 2-3 hrs,no
Fecal Description - black & white , creamy?slimy lookin? Im not sure if he has been tested for paracites
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you. - Bought em at pets smart

Cage Info:
Cage Type -I have the Exo Terra house 45x45x60 Glass with mesh top
Lighting - Repti sin 5.0?, 50 W basking light , Lights go on @ 730-8 till 730-8 at night
Temperature - 70-80 ,basking spot 90 , Overnight temp is around 68-72
Humidity - 60-66% i spray the inside with warm water and use ice cubes at the top , Thermo that came with
Plants - Fake
Placement - Top of dresser ,no, total is about 6 1/2 to 7 ft to top
Location - Decatur IL
Gutloading means feeding the crickets and other insects a healthy selection of vegetables and fruits (dandelion, romaine, oranges, yam, bee pollen...), to make them more nutritious for the chameleon. If you are not doing that, you need to start. Just do a search on gutloading.

Buy the calcium right away. By the other stuff as soon as you can. If you cant afford the supplements, you probably should not own a chameleon. How are you going to afford the vet bills and maintenance costs?

You're going to need a bigger enclosure.

ice cubes are not a good idea - use a dripper with warm water
How come you can't use ice cubes? I use them every now and then .. it's just water. About the enclosure, why is it too small? I have one similar to that and it seems like ample space. What will happen if I were to keep my veiled in this kind of enclosure?
If you cant afford the supplements, you probably should not own a chameleon. How are you going to afford the vet bills and maintenance costs?you're going to need a bigger enclosure.
ice cubes are not a good idea - use a dripper with warm water

Thanks Clifford for your words of wisdom. I am glad to see there is an abundance of intelligence that i can rely on to help with the raising of my chameleon. I have gathered a lot of information from breeders websites and noted publications that will also aid me in raising my chameleon. Be assured that if needed I will not hesitate to call on your assistance. As far as the cost of medications and vet bills etc., not knowing who you are I am willing to believe that I could buy and sell many people like you. Do not confuse my questions as ignorance.
I have read so many things about tanks and lighting and everything is always different in some way i have a few questions. I did not look up any research on chameleons until i got one three days ago, i thought they were awesome and i wanted one.. know i realized i should have read about them first!

Q1- At night i am having trouble keeping his heat up so i went and bought a zoo med nightlight Red 60 watt, is this good to use?

Q2- My tank is a exo-terra the bigger on.. (45 x 45 x 60 cm 18" x 18" x 24")
and i was wondering if a glass cage is good for him or is it just preference?

Q3- I am feeding him small crickets and when can i start feeding him other things and what should i start feeding him next?

Q4- He is acting mad and does not want to be messed with at all is that just because he is in a new place or is it because he just does not want to be messed with??

Thank you for reading all these!

Q1 Answer-Do not leave red bulb on all night. I bought one and did that for awhile until someone caught me saying something about red bulbs. Supposably it disturbs sleeping. If your worried about keeing him warm at night then use a creamic bulb heater. Otherwise he should be fine over night without anything. BTW to save you money, if that is your basking bulb I would use a normal soft white house bulb. Currently I am using a 34w. Just depends on cage and the temp. (check temps too)

Q2 Answer- glass cage is not recommened by any of these members. Glass reflects which stresses the chameleon. Use mesh or screen cages.

Q3 Answer- You can feed him phoenix worms, silk check the link.
(Meal worms and some others are not recommened on daily bases.)
Also try to give variety of greens. I use collard, mustard, and kale.

Q4 Answer- Chameleons don't like being messed with. They stress over that aswell. Recommend once-twice handling a week maybe more if he is fine with it. Keep the room low traffic and no constant bothering.
YES add more plants. Non toxic ones. Check the plant list on this site. pothos, ficus, hibisicus are common.
Good luck:)
How come you can't use ice cubes? I use them every now and then .. it's just water. About the enclosure, why is it too small? I have one similar to that and it seems like ample space. What will happen if I were to keep my veiled in this kind of enclosure?

I have read from breeders websites that when using ice cubes properly they are significantly useful in elevating the humidity. I personally do not see a need for a 200 sq ft enclosure for a chameleon that is 3 1/2 inches long.
I have read from breeders websites that when using ice cubes properly they are significantly useful in elevating the humidity. I personally do not see a need for a 200 sq ft enclosure for a chameleon that is 3 1/2 inches long.

Ice cubes are too cold. Water must be room temp. Suggest you use dripper. You can control the drips that way. (same for you leilaskeeper)
By placing the Ice cube Away from him, and letting it drip down ( For a while ) is still bad ? not saying anything bad about the members here , Its just recommended from other sites (Breeders, care sites, ect. ) So I ask this " is this a personal Choice"? I know that too much cold water could hurt the little bugger , so if you can controll where the "drips" are then is it no harm no foul ?
By placing the Ice cube Away from him, and letting it drip down ( For a while ) is still bad ? not saying anything bad about the members here , Its just recommended from other sites (Breeders, care sites, ect. ) So I ask this " is this a personal Choice"? I know that too much cold water could hurt the little bugger , so if you can controll where the "drips" are then is it no harm no foul ?

I still wouldn't. Its easier to control a dripper than to constantly replace ice cubes and get them to keep dripping. Its cold when on the leaves too. Some chameleons like to go up to the drips and directly drink them. I use the flukers dripper. My male veiled drinks from the tube that goes over leaves or sometimes waits for a drip.
(won't cost you much. Mine was like $6.20 total.)
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