New roach babies

How do you feed out your roaches, Virgil? I feel like they move so slowly that they don't grab attention like the crickets do, and I've got so much plant cover that they can hide forever. Even when I put them in a feeder cup they lay stone-still in the corner, or slide underneath the slice of potato I sometimes leave in there.
How do you feed out your roaches, Virgil? I feel like they move so slowly that they don't grab attention like the crickets do, and I've got so much plant cover that they can hide forever. Even when I put them in a feeder cup they lay stone-still in the corner, or slide underneath the slice of potato I sometimes leave in there.
I cup feed roaches because they do not move around much and they usually just go under something right away and never come out.
:) 20160710_204311.jpg 20160710_204314.jpg 20160710_205118.jpg 20160710_210139.jpg I went to get some small ones for tomorrow and I noticed one of my females starting to give birth. Either that our something is seriously wrong with get. My colony is growing.
I've seen this from time to time, and it kinda freaked me out the first time I saw it. I've heard that they're simply expelling their egg sac, some say to turn it over, before pulling it back into their womb.

Interesting. Thanks for the info. It was pretty weird. I was waiting for it to drop and a bunch of babies go running all over.
How do you feed out your roaches, Virgil? I feel like they move so slowly that they don't grab attention like the crickets do, and I've got so much plant cover that they can hide forever. Even when I put them in a feeder cup they lay stone-still in the corner, or slide underneath the slice of potato I sometimes leave in there.

I know I'm not Virgil but I can answer this. I took my feeder cup and cut the front out leaving about it about 2 inches deep. Then I glued screen into the side I didn't cut. Leaving about an inch and a half around the top and sides so they don't crawl out. When you put the dubias in they will crawl up the screen. Gets my Cham's attention pretty quick.
I use feeder cups for roaches, the camo cups sold by @nick barta work really well they usually climb up the back stretch and get picked off. I started my discoid colony with a small batch and it's taken awhile to establish but I have more chameleons then most and and can go through some roaches. I've noticed the reproduction seems higher for the GBR then discoids and just ordered some Orange heads to start a colony of those as well.
RedMountainHome, here are the GBR tricks;
1. Buy the Sterlite Gasket box container-see my post under "Enclosures", the title is "My Favorite Roach Container."
2. Build your own Feeder Cup or buy one of mine listed under the Classified section, my ad is "Gutloads and Feeder Insect Stuff"
3. Handle GBR's in daylight only, they are wild at Paris Hilton.
4. Follow my care sheet on using moist coco fiber and pieces of bark on top, laid flat (Care sheet upon request at [email protected]).
5. When harvesting have a plastic container about 12 inches tall to carefully move one piece of bark into the container. Adults and nymphs will be on the underside of the bark.
6. Care fully rotate the bark, picking off the adults that climb the sides (very few will), and place them in a containment cup. If you bang the bark to knock them into the plastic container, the adults will climb the sides and fly off, if you follow the gentle method, they are easy to harvest. The brown nymphs don't climb, so they are easy...

These steps are used to harvest thousands of GBR to sell, and we rarely have flyers; banging them was a ...circus!


RedMountainHome, here are the GBR tricks;
1. Buy the Sterlite Gasket box container-see my post under "Enclosures", the title is "My Favorite Roach Container."
2. Build your own Feeder Cup or buy one of mine listed under the Classified section, my ad is "Gutloads and Feeder Insect Stuff"
3. Handle GBR's in daylight only, they are wild at Paris Hilton.
4. Follow my care sheet on using moist coco fiber and pieces of bark on top, laid flat (Care sheet upon request at [email protected]).
5. When harvesting have a plastic container about 12 inches tall to carefully move one piece of bark into the container. Adults and nymphs will be on the underside of the bark.
6. Care fully rotate the bark, picking off the adults that climb the sides (very few will), and place them in a containment cup. If you bang the bark to knock them into the plastic container, the adults will climb the sides and fly off, if you follow the gentle method, they are easy to harvest. The brown nymphs don't climb, so they are easy...

These steps are used to harvest thousands of GBR to sell, and we rarely have flyers; banging them was a ...circus!



Expert himself summed it up for you! They are a great feeder, small enough as adults you can feed them off to many species but still big and active enough to get the attention of a full grown Panther male.
You're a friggen griggen genius, peachypink! Thanks for sharing =D

Hahaha, I mean, I know I'm a friggen griggen genius, but I can't take credit for this one. I saw it somewhere on here and made my own. It took a couple of trial and errors before I found the cup I like that works well. A solo cup was too small, a paint mixing container had an indent around the top that made the roaches escape. I decided to use the container that my roaches were delivered in and it works great. And I use a paper clip to hang it for now. Tada! (y)


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You need a cup the chameleon cannot see the prey through. He may strike through the side and stick his tongue to the side of the cup.


You need a cup the chameleon cannot see the prey through. He may strike through the side and stick his tongue to the side of the cup.



Yes! Thanks for the info. I plan on painting the outside soon. The first step was finding the right container. Until I get it painted I'm using the solo cup one I have that I don't like as well but has solid colored sides.
Hahaha, I mean, I know I'm a friggen griggen genius, but I can't take credit for this one. I saw it somewhere on here and made my own. It took a couple of trial and errors before I found the cup I like that works well. A solo cup was too small, a paint mixing container had an indent around the top that made the roaches escape. I decided to use the container that my roaches were delivered in and it works great. And I use a paper clip to hang it for now. Tada! (y)
Instead of using the screen for them to climb you can just take something sharp like a screw and scratch the back side of the cup...
I had the screen in before but the roached would hide behind it and i didn't glue it since I don't think glue is healthy in case my cham ingests bits...
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