New screen terrarium for Veiled


New Member
So I finally got a 24"x24"x48" screen reptibreeze for my chameleon and its huge compared to him. I wasn't trying to dish out money and keep buying terrariums for him as he grew, so I got a xl terrarium for him. Since he's only about 5" i feel like its gonna be to big for him. I'm planning on making a DIY cricket feeder so he wont have a hard time catching crickets in the terrarium, but I'm not sure if I should I move him in now or wait until he gets a little bigger?
Also I had a vine from one of my old terrariums and its been sitting on my porch for a couple of days, any tips on cleaning it? I'm also planning on getting a couple branches from outside to add into it and some live plants to keep at the bottom
What I do is soak them in hot soapy water in the sink for a few hours.
Then rinse them off with cold water and hang them up to dry.

The vines I use have leaves made of some kind of cloth and plastic composit.

If they are too funky, I toss them are get new ones.
and if you still want to add branches from outside, I would recommend finding nice fresh ones (not rotting ones or ones that have lichen or mold) and then boiling them from several minutes. then I let them dry in the sun. some people recommend a bleach solution, but I don't like the idea of my cham being in with bleach, no matter how diluted.

btw, I like the 617 in your username, are you from boston too? :D
Aha yes I love in the Somerville area :D . I'll probably just buy a new vine and grab some fresh branches and both was and boil them, just to be safe. :cool:
If you know of a tree that has no loose bark or skin on the branches, you can just cut them to size and scrub them with a good stiff brush and hot soapy water.
I have been using the branches from my backyard dogwood tree for years.
Never had a problem.
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