new setup help


New Member
so my 2 new flexi 100s(30"x16.5"x48") came today! hurray! each with 30" reptiglo 10.0, arcadia 30"refectors and light starters. how far should the light be away from the top of the mesh to stop it meltin and how do you suspend them there?

also ive got 2 exo terra heat bulb bowl n clamp(8.5") but didnt no what bulbs id need?
Hi Nate!

The reptiglo 10.0 shouldn't get hot enough to melt anything but I raise mine a bit (about the height of 2X4 lumber, hint-hint) for the sake of my chameleon's safety (too close to radiation). Unless of course you want to suspend the lighting system from your ceiling. ;)

The clamp lights should also be raised from the mesh (50 or 75 watt household incandescent bulbs are fine) to regulate heat and avoid mesh failure. :eek:

Good luck, have fun and search, search search the forum archives. :D
Hi nathanuk,

For heat bulbs you can use 75 watt house bulbs. i raise my lights just wiht a simple hammer and long nails to create a little ghetto shelf for my lgihts if they need to be raised.
so i dont need one of these fancy £8 heat bulbs then?

ive got ficus. croton and shefflera and fake vines to go in each
you guys got any pics of your set ups, cus i want some ideas??
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