Chameleon Enthusiast
Ok makes sense I did wonder that myself. It was a bit of an impulse buy because I wanted to be sure he had the opportunity to drink whenever he chooses until I'm happy he's hydrated and feeding and settled in. So a run to waste system is the way to go then no problem, how much water do you get through in a day/week?
Not that much, honestly. In my 16x16x30, I average out at about 1/2 - 1 liter a day, with my 36x18x36 taking 1-1 1/2 liters. I exclusively handmist right now, though when I had my MistKing hooked up, the finer spay was using significantly less.
Make sure you have some sort of drainage prepared! Before I went bioactive, i had drilled holes in the center of the ReptiBreeze bottom panel with a catchment tray underneath. It looks like you have a wooden viv? Full pictures of the enclosure from the lights down will help us help you