New to chameleons got a panther & need help!!

I just got back from dr. Gray and he said what a healthy looking cham I have. he is 20 ounces and dr. gray said you raise health chams and i shouldn't have anything to worrie about. But to be on the safe side I had a fecal test done for parasites and came back clean so that makes me feel better. For the gut loading ok, too much info in one night and I think I got it now but would I have to feed the flys.

Again thanks a ton you have been a great help with everything from plants to food to lighting. I truely couldn't of done it without someone like you guiding me.

That's great to hear! (and thanks to you and Dr. Gray for the compliments!! :D) (btw - I think it should be 20 grams (not ounces) - that is the measurement for these guys) Yeah, it is a lot of information to process but you will do fine. Like I said, call with any questions or just come to the forum - there's a lot of good information and people on here.

Oh, and if you need more flies, I should have some more at Sunday's show (same place but I think we are in the other building).
okay, just to clarify..... here is a pic of the type of lining I'm talking about. I keep the feeders in a bowl and don't let them free roam so I don't have the mess. I have 3 pieces cut so every other day and change out the lining. The tub is for the drip I have and I empty that every day. To each his own.


  • carpet and feeder bowl.JPG
    carpet and feeder bowl.JPG
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Here is another pic of the type of liner I am talking about.


  • liner and feeder bowl.JPG
    liner and feeder bowl.JPG
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My first cleaning day is comming up now how shoul di go abouts to clean everything?

2 drift wood logs
3 fake plants and vines
1 real photos plant
screen cage
Well you have had him for only about a week, can you just spot clean to eliminate stress?

He is getting used to you, a new environment, a vet visit....he could probally use a little bit of time alone.

Apart from that I put my chams (1 at a time) on a fiscus tree that is in my home office in front of the window so they can look out and free range for a while (mine wander so I do close the door so they are contained to 1 room and I can find them).

I then just get to cleaning, everything comes out and gets washed in a tub of hot soapy water and rinsed really well and air dried. I wipe the leaves of the trees down with a soft cloth and then once a month I steam clean their cages to kill any nasties.
Give the crickets kale and collard greens and mustad greens. Fruits like apples and pears are also good. However, I vote you breed dubias. They're easier and way less smelly.
Just the qualities you look for in a good boyfriend...:D

I know I just couldn't really think of a way to clean the drift wood.

Cant help you there...I dont use it. :eek: Is it thick? Would it dry easy if you just give it a good wiping over with soapy water and a quick rinse? Maybe get a second piece and rotate them which will give it time to dry in between being in the cage.

I am sure others that use drift wood will pipe up.
Oh...and congratulations on your new cham...they are addicting and I remember when I got my first - I had a few sleepless nights hoping I was doing everything right and everything was ok with him :)
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