New to forum and chameleons!


New Member
Hey hows it going my names Ryan. My girlfriend and I both recently picked up male ambilobe panthers. She got her's from whiteplains show at Empirestate chameleons. I fell in love with them so I got my boy shipped to me a week or so after from Sunshine chameleons. My boy is named Yoda and hes about 5 months old. Her boy is named Helix and hes in the 7-9 month area forget what breeder said honestly haha! We have many other reptiles along with the chameleons but I def plan to get a female or 2 and dive into them more in the future! Been using this forum for a vast amount of information it getting their setups correct and give them great homes! Thanks for looking :)
Here is Yoda

Here is helix
Hello and welcome to the forums and chameleon ownership! You have come to the right place as we all are a little chameleon crazy on here! Great place to learn and share your experiences with chameleons.
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