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Hello, everyone! I have an 11month old female veiled chameleon. I have had her for two months. She looks great to me, she is my first cham and have been reading and doing my research for her. Always looking for more tips. Really looking forward to meeting and talking to other cham keepers. Going to try and post a few pictures of her!


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Welcome to the forum. I am glad you and your girl could join us.

We have a lot of people here who keep veileds. There is plenty of info available. If you look to the left side of the page you will see care resources. That gives you complete directions on keeping your girl healthy.

After you have a chance to read it, just come back will all your questions, and our veiled keepers will help you out.
Welcome to the forum and the world of chameleons! Lots to learn here!

Please be aware that once sexually mature a female veiled can produce eggs even when not mated and that it's important that she has a place in her cage where she can dig to show you when she needs to lay eggs. Failure to provide a suitable place can lead to eggbinding and death.
Do not want to overwhelm you.. And Welcome :)

Welcome, hopefully you will never need to use the Health section, but I found that filling out the how to ask for help form and have it saved in notepad saves stress when it comes to asking for help ;)

also if you wish to post all that information here we would love to offer any needed suggestions, or compliment you on the perfect set up. :)

And she looks lovely.

(not related) I just got covered in cricket juice, 'Fella' my cham, has no table manners.
Your lady Veiled Cham is beautiful, we enjoy ours so much! Welcome and enjoy the forum, there are some bright helpful people up here!
Thank you so much for the warm welcome!! I will be reading as much as I can! So excited to be able to meet other Cham parents!
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