New to owning Chameleon


New Member
I just got a 2 year old veiled chameleon from a friend and was wondering how often do they eat or could the stress from the move could have him not eating. He has only ate a couple of wax worms and a couple of meal worms since Saturday.
I just got a 2 year old veiled chameleon from a friend and was wondering how often do they eat or could the stress from the move could have him not eating. He has only ate a couple of wax worms and a couple of meal worms since Saturday.

Yes, moving stress can affect appetite. Drinking well is more important at this point. Adults don't need to eat nearly as much as fast growing juveniles. What did his previous owner feed him? Do you have information on how he was cared for (supplements, gutloading, lighting, overall health, etc)?
He was feed mill worms and wax worms along with crickets.
As far as the cage and lighting it is all the same because I received every thing with him, and as far as caring for him he was doing good the lady I got him from actually rescues reptiles and other animals and had been under her care for a Lil over a year. I have been using the misting method with a spray bottle and there is also a bowl that looks like a lagoon or something like filled with water as well.
My question would be are you gut loading your feeders? I'd flip your feeders around. Wax worms and meal worms should be occasionally. Crickets should be your staple as they are very easy to gut load and move quickly which attracts the chameleon. Supplementation is the next really important thing. Like others have stated pictures are always great! Of your chameleon and his enclosure. Here is also another thing someone will suggest soon. Fill out this form- it will answer any questions people have and help others help you. :)

Here is some basic info on your guy! These care sheets are excellent reading source for new chameleon owners!
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