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Hi, Im Los from Los Angeles. I've kept frogs all my life from horned frog (ornate,cranwali,cornata) to big beefy african bullfrogs. Chameleons were always on my list of must haves so here I am. And here are my chams I bought from Lancechams on this forum.


My setup

Cage Info:
Cage Type -screen 18x18x36 & 36x36x18
Lighting - rept 5.0 , 60w basking 8am-5pm
Temperature -85 day 70 night (ceramic emitter)
Humidity - mistking 8am,12pm,4pm,8pm, for 20 sec. 40-50 hum average, 90 after spraying duh.
Plants -ficus, spider plant, both organic soil.
Placement - southside wall gets sunlight in from east window every morning. Doorway traffic veiw is blocked by dresser and TV.
Location - Burbank, CA

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Ambilobes , 1.1, age 5 months, in my care for 2 weeks.
Handling - none times yet. (<-is that correct English?)
Feeding - 4 crickets in the morning, 4 in the evening before bedtime.
Supplements - calcium d3, herptivite
Watering - mini dripper for one, cup with whole in bottom for other. they drink plenty
Fecal Description - looks like bird poop, white and black.

Can anyone give me a good supplementation schedule? It would be much appreciated.

Welcome to the forums! Nice panthers! Lance is an awesome breeder! A bit of advice for you. Don't feed your panthers in the evenings. They need to warms up for a while after they eat to digest their food. The mornings or early afternoon is the best time to feed.

For supplements, you need three kinds. Plain calcium with no D3, calcium with d3 and a multi vit. I use these, the 1st, 3rd & 5th.

You will lightly dust with the plain calcium at just about every feeding, d3 calcium twice a month and the multi. vit. once a month.
The supplement schedule changes according to what type of supplements you have. I use the 1st, 3rd, and 5th on this site.

my monthly schedule

Week 1
Mon-Fri: calcium without D3
Sat: nothing
Sun: calcium with D3

Week 2
Mon-Fri: calcium without d3
Sat: nothing
Sun: herptivite

Week 3
Mon-Fri: calcium without D3
Sat: nothing
Sun: calcium with D3

Week 4
Mon-Fri: calcium without D3
Sat: nothing
Sun: herptivite
Thanks guys. I like your schedule Pshh's. Ima gonna do it!

Lance is a great breeder fosho. These guys are so plumpy and healthy. He's also a very cool guy. :cool:
Glad to help. Also, if you dont want your female to lay clutches, or at least very small clutches, lower her temps to 80 and start to feed her 6-8 crickets (or equivalent of) about three times a week.
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