New to the forum, pics of my chams!


New Member
Just thought I would say a hello and share some pics of my chams!

Currently have 3 Jacksoni Jacksoni (2 female 1 male) - One appears massively porky in comparison too the other female so I suspect to have some little nippers soon!

Apologies for the pics being on the side, my comp is playing up and not letting me flip them! So feel free to tip your head to one side, unless Health and Safety tell you otherwise!!






hi and welcome to the forums! Your pics are not the best, sorry to say! lol! you cannot see your chams too well in them. Are you housing them together? I know some people house their Jacksons together unlike some of the other species who need to be solitary. how long have you had them?
Yeah I am housing them together, have had them for around 2 months now, had to wait quite a while for my local rep shop to get them in too.

I will work on the pics later and re-upload! apologies for the terrible pics lol
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