New to the site, first post!!!


Avid Member
Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone here. I am new, first day and first post! A little about my chameleon exp.

I've had veileds, jackson and panthers before, few years back! I used to breed jacksons and now I want to breed veileds!!

Ok heres my story, I adopted a sick chameleon couple days ago. The person I got it from didn't take proper care of her/female chameleon. She is just sitting there with eyes close and barely made any movement at all!!! Looks like she is not going to make it! I believe she has has bone disease due to bad light setup. Well earlier this morning I thought she was dead because she was on the floor. I touched her and she showed me some sign of life left. I can see her breathing now but still not moving that much. I went out and bought heating lamp and reptil glow 10.0 uvb. Its been a full day and she hasn't eat or drink water yet. What do you guys think? Today is the 2nd day I had her and only improvement I see is that she is breathing. I can see her taking deep slow breathe. Only thing I can do for her is to give her heat and time will tell if she will make it or not. I might try force feeding her maybe tomorrow or wait for the next day.

Well the good news is I just ordered 2 cages and 1 baby pair veiled from I am back into chameleons again!! Thus my SN is PantherVeiled and it was for this video game I was playing yrs back. I know I will get useful information from all of you!
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