New Veil-One color


New Member
I got a new veiled cham today,but he/she doesn't curl their tail..and has been brown all day,sometimes with stripes or spots so I'm thinking its stress,but has been eating well since I brought it home. He/she also looks like its shedding,so could that also be the reason its not changing back to a green color? Any ideas? Its big and fat and healthy,but only stays brown..

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You can sex your viel by looking at its back feet. On the back of it there is a spur(basically a bumb) or there isn't a spur. If there is a spur, its a male.
Tail curling usually occurs when the cham is about to go to sleep. So don't worry if it doesn't do it during the day.
Your cham is in a new surrounding. Just give it some privacy and a couple of days to adjust. Its good though that its accepting food and water so early.
Welcome to the forum!!
like boson said the tail wont really curl up until its bed time :)
your new cham is stressed out and just starting to get used to its new enviroment, its fairly normal for it to be showing the brown, like you guessed that's its slightly stressed colors. also like boson said, feel good that its eaten the same day you brought it home!! most babies take up to a week to get settled into a new enviroment and may not eat during that time, so yay for it having eaten!!!! :D

this is a veiled caresheet, its gots lots of priceless info
keep us posted on your new friend and we would love to see some pics of it! if you are having trouble sexing it with the info boson gave you, if you post some pics of its back feet we can help! :)
Ahh,alright,my female curls her tail all the time,and its hard to sex the new one,one minute it looks like a spur,then the next minute it doesnt. I'll have my reptile shop sex it(they specialize in breeding also).His "beard" does have green showing through the brown but hes also shedding so maybe thats the reason too. But they both look really puffy so I hope they arent at the age for laying infertile eggs. Can you tell a gender difference in the crown? My female has a curved and the new one is more tall than curved,I'll post pictures when I can.:D
Ahh thanks! The last time I had a veiled cham I was was about 8 years its been awhile! I'll upload pictures tonight or tomorrow. :D:D
its said that males have a straighter casque but its not a definite was to sex them. oh yeah they get real grumpy when shedding :) how old is the one you just brought home?
They are only a few months old,I'll find the papers on them to know for sure. And I'll get "mister" grumps to cooperate for the camera lol. I posted 2 pictures in the gallery of them just hanging out,so you can see the size.
The little one seemed ok with it,but the big brown one decided to go tan,beige,with green!Then back to brown when I pulled him off my face. They are both fat fatties! They love their food it seems,which is good. I'm really happy my big one ate so soon!
definitely something to be happy about! seems to be settling in purty well already :) the large, new one did look pretty big i do wonder if its female and if she is old enough to start laying and therefore need a laying bin in case.
Yea I'm wondering that myself because she looks like an egg most of the time,but then thins out.. So just to be safe I'm putting a bin with moist sand so she can tunnel to lay the eggs. It's pretty active even with the daytime lighting off,my small female is asleep already haha,but the big one it just roaming around on her leaves. Just odd how my small female has a curved crown and the other one has a very tall straight one.
it may be a male, the male definitely have straighter casques but i have seen females with pretty straight ones too so its hard to tell. best was is the spur on the foot. :) the large one is probably exploring, thinking "oh yeah, look at my new crib" :D
thats the safe way to go! if you are able to get some foot pics tomorrow and put em up, and everyone says male, then no harm done. if they say female, then go you for having the laying bin all ready :)
One picture has a spur,the other doesnt..might take him to my reptile friend when I go to get more crickets in. "Biggie" is up super early (6am central time),before the day time lights came on and is doing its rounds around the top of the mesh for crickets haha! But still brown today :(! But I was happy to see it turn tan last night instead of a dark brown. And with some green showing through.
Well,the big one is a girl,about 5 months old. She's still pretty brown,but will go to a light tan with yellowing. Got my cricket house set up so they get juicy and fat haha! Going to get more plants for the cages later for my girls,which don't have names yet.. Any suggestions?
glad you got a definite sex for her!!! :) sounds like a plan :)
ive always loved the name Rowan, its a type of tree and seeing how she seems to love to stay brown, it may suit her :D
Thanks!! A close friend of mine named her daughter that. Rowan has that cool mythological type feel to it. Our little one is so dainty and graceful,so I convinced my fiance to name her Arwen (and he isnt the lord of the rings type haha!). So Rowan doesnt like when I mist her,she gets big and puffy and walks(more like runs)away,and little Arwen will run to the mister and sit under the spray lol. :D
what a pair they are! lol. its so neat to learn what each of them likes and doesnt like and their own unique personalities :) gotta love em! my lil cham did the same thing Rowan does when he got misted too, he just hated it!
Aww,I also found out why Rowan wont curl her tail,the very end of it has died :(. Apparently it can be a common thing in chams. I can't wait until they are both full grown monsters hehe.
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