Good evening everyone! First and foremost, im so glad I came across this forum! Ive leaned so much about my new Veiled it’s fascinating! My question is, am I going in the right direction as far as setup and care? I have a juvenile female Veiled Chameleon. Currently I have the two bulb light fixture that came with the setup from Petco. I learned that I need to ditch both the bulbs and start with a normal house bulb, about 65W and buy the 12% UVB T5 bulb and fixture for her as well. I went to a local pet shop and the lady handed me a 100W basking light. My poor Veiled was being torched today so I took the light out and will be getting my money back. I also bought a ceramic light for at night because I was told too... I read I was supposed to shut the lights off at night and a little temperature drop for a Veiled is good? At this point im all over the place! Please help! Thank a million everyone!