Hi, I just stumbled on this web site and thought I would sign up. However I do not have internet at home so am at the library doing some online research. I have been going online at work all day today and reading as much as I can off this site. It all has been VERY helpful and reassuing to know I have been doing things right. I do have some questions though that I cant seem to find out the answers to. Please forgive me in advance I am a terrible speller and not great computer user.
I just got a baby Vield Chameleon on 12-31-10 from a pet store. I know it is a juvenile, but they did not tell me how old he was. he is about (body not tail) 3-4 in long. I know its a boy because he has spurs on his heals.
I have a screen enclosure with a live pothos plant( I work for a indoor plant nursery), climbing vines, uvb heat lamp, night glow lamp(although might start turning this off after reading on here..) thermomiters in 3 places, hydromiter,
water dripper, misting bottle, repti-water safe stuff, calcium powder with vite d, mealy worms, crickets for feeders..also gut loading stuff for the feeders..
So my question is how much am I supposed to be feeding my little guy? I started with 8 small krickets in am and 8 small krickets in pm..he is so snatching them up so fast that i think he needs more..am I right? I dust them with the powder every time. Well then I moved up to med sized krickets 4-5 in am and 4-5 in pm..I dont want to OVER/UNDER feed him. There is not much info as to exactly how many krickets to give. Please help. Also every other day I give a 3-4 small mealy worms from a can in fridge. also have given a small bowl with greens in it.
Thanks for your help. I love Rocky so much he is so cute..I want to make sure he is healthy. He does drink and poop normaly every day and poop is solid,brown,with white on it. (sorry this is not wrong to add in is it?)
I just got a baby Vield Chameleon on 12-31-10 from a pet store. I know it is a juvenile, but they did not tell me how old he was. he is about (body not tail) 3-4 in long. I know its a boy because he has spurs on his heals.
I have a screen enclosure with a live pothos plant( I work for a indoor plant nursery), climbing vines, uvb heat lamp, night glow lamp(although might start turning this off after reading on here..) thermomiters in 3 places, hydromiter,
water dripper, misting bottle, repti-water safe stuff, calcium powder with vite d, mealy worms, crickets for feeders..also gut loading stuff for the feeders..
So my question is how much am I supposed to be feeding my little guy? I started with 8 small krickets in am and 8 small krickets in pm..he is so snatching them up so fast that i think he needs more..am I right? I dust them with the powder every time. Well then I moved up to med sized krickets 4-5 in am and 4-5 in pm..I dont want to OVER/UNDER feed him. There is not much info as to exactly how many krickets to give. Please help. Also every other day I give a 3-4 small mealy worms from a can in fridge. also have given a small bowl with greens in it.
Thanks for your help. I love Rocky so much he is so cute..I want to make sure he is healthy. He does drink and poop normaly every day and poop is solid,brown,with white on it. (sorry this is not wrong to add in is it?)