Newbie Here Izzabelles enclosure.


New Member
Hello all here is Izzabelles new digs (we got her rather suddenly (from someone who wasn't caring for her and wanted to get rid of her) and so it has a bit of a learning curve. She was in a 33g for about a week and we have been adding to her enclosure slowly. She will be getting some potted plants today (once I'm done on here) she seems to be showing some "gravid colours" so the most recently added thing is her laying spot so far she has only pooped in it lol. Well that's all from me for now any input on how to make it better please feel free :D


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Here's Izzy my avatar was from the day we brought her home so her colours weren't right now she's a happy looking Cham :)


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I would recommend some more horizontal branches and whatnot so has more room to roam or you risk her climbing the screen, which is not good for the claws if done too much!

Once you get the live plants put in, post some more pictures :) Also, be sure to cover up the plan soil with river stones or something big enough to not get accidentally ingested!

All in all though, she looks like a nice cham :)
Yes I have put in More branches. Couldn't find a plant I liked today (all are Very small right now) so I put in more fake plants on some plant stakes on the other side of the enclosure as that's where I have the dripper running. It now looks like this photo. Her soil has to stay uncovered as being a female she will lay her eggs at her own will and Must have soil available to lay in (the soil is coco fiber). We also use a bowl to feed bugs so they aren't running all over. Thanks I've been stressing over her set up lol!


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I would still add more horizontal branches. You can attach them to the walls by pushing a thumbtack through the screen.
Awesome idea I never thought of that :) will give it a try has anyone ever used Bamboo (like the kind you can get at the garden center to hold up your plants?) what does everyone use for horizontal climbing? Oh also how do you keep the mist drops inside the tank and not all over the my walls and floors?
In my smallest Veiled vivarium I use bamboo sticks and pothos vines for climbing.

In my ellioti viv I use one long fake vine from I believe exoterra, pothos vines, sticks I found outside and a nice bushy umbrella plant.

With my largest veiled I use a fully grown ficus tree that has thickish branches, an exo terra vine, pothos vines, sticks from outside and an umbrella plant that still has to grow.

As you can see, my favourite is the pothos. They grow quickly, are easy to maintain and the chams love them! Every cham (except my largest veiled) sleeps on a select pothos vine. They're the perfect diameter that allows the chams to properly grip without slipping. I would recommend at least one pothos to every cham owner! The best investment I made was last year when I bought a small pothos for 2€ and gave it to my husband's grandmother. The plant was, after almost a year, more than long enough to fully vine out a 60x60x120cm vivarium! They grow REALLY quickly.

Properly sanatized sticks from outside would be my second choice for natural sticks. Bamboo is also great, but I find it looks too unnatural. If you think it looks good though, they're also really good. Just be sure to get the right thickness for your cham as the bamboo can be slippery :)

For the mist drops I have the same problem. I am trying to figure out how to mist the new viv best without getting a lot on the floor. For now I have some towels that I leave on the floor and one behind the viv. They get changed every couple of days as they never get TOO wet. If anyone has any ideas... I'd also love to hear them! ;)
I have 1 side covered in black plastic tank background so I can mist towards that it's also covered as she's in out bedroom by our bedroom door and we have 4 small kids running around some days so I thought it best to keep her from seeing all the commotion so I have been trying to mist towards that and she enclosure is on top of a towel so any excess that goes down to the bottom will get soaked up.
In my smallest Veiled vivarium I use bamboo sticks and pothos vines for climbing.

In my ellioti viv I use one long fake vine from I believe exoterra, pothos vines, sticks I found outside and a nice bushy umbrella plant.

With my largest veiled I use a fully grown ficus tree that has thickish branches, an exo terra vine, pothos vines, sticks from outside and an umbrella plant that still has to grow.

As you can see, my favourite is the pothos. They grow quickly, are easy to maintain and the chams love them! Every cham (except my largest veiled) sleeps on a select pothos vine. They're the perfect diameter that allows the chams to properly grip without slipping. I would recommend at least one pothos to every cham owner! The best investment I made was last year when I bought a small pothos for 2€ and gave it to my husband's grandmother. The plant was, after almost a year, more than long enough to fully vine out a 60x60x120cm vivarium! They grow REALLY quickly.

Properly sanatized sticks from outside would be my second choice for natural sticks. Bamboo is also great, but I find it looks too unnatural. If you think it looks good though, they're also really good. Just be sure to get the right thickness for your cham as the bamboo can be slippery :)

For the mist drops I have the same problem. I am trying to figure out how to mist the new viv best without getting a lot on the floor. For now I have some towels that I leave on the floor and one behind the viv. They get changed every couple of days as they never get TOO wet. If anyone has any ideas... I'd also love to hear them! ;)

i have just noticed what you said about them sleeping on a select pothos vine my 4 month old panther has just gone in his new viv and sleeps on the same branch of a pothos without fail lol:D

i would defo put bamboo or jungle vine in (i would go vine as it looks more real)
i have just noticed what you said about them sleeping on a select pothos vine my 4 month old panther has just gone in his new viv and sleeps on the same branch of a pothos without fail lol:D

Chameleons are neat like that. Marimo has been sleeping in the same spot for a year now. Midori tried to steal his spot last week and he glared at her until she moved! Now he goes to his spot an hour early to make sure he gets his ideal spot. I moved a second vine next to his and now they sleep next to each other. Yuki however, splats herself up against a wall in the most uncomfortable looking position ever...

All in all, pothos for easiest to maintain plant, awesome climbing material and proven chameleon bed/hammock! :D
Hehe that's funny when we first got Izzy she was in a 33g aquarium till we could get her situated as we weren't expecting her. She had a Total routine! She slept in the same spot by her dripper lights on quick drink and off to bask then around Noon she went back to dripper quick drink (she won't drink droplets from misting only from drip system) then back to bask (or go down to the bottom to poop then back to bask lol) then about 7pm back to dripper couple licks to got into her "fav spot" for bed but now that she's in the reptibreeze she hardly leaves her basking post (except to get a drink or poop IN her laying bin) she pretty much has all the fake plants bent into a "bed" type shape and stays there not entirely sure she really "likes" the repti breeze 1 thing I know for sure is she doesn't like being misted with the door open she puffs up turns all different colors and waves side to side so I have been misting with the door closed which seems to get her a bit less rilled up any suggestions on that? Going to get some horizontal branches probably tomorrow (spring break all the kids home has been Crazy!!)
Well here it is :D new climbing dowels :) 1/2" and 5/8" (she seems to prefer the 1/2" right now will add some 3/4" as well (for wider grip as she grows) but wanted to get these ones in and see what she thought!! Well as I put in the 1st 1/2" dowel she rushed right over and climbed on :D she Loves them!! Lately I have noticed she has flattened out all the thin branches on her fake plants and has made a "bed" of sorts so I added a dowel by her "bed/basking" area so she has a choice to sit on the plants or the dowel. In behind the fake plants is a branch as well added in vertically as well as a plastic plant holder which I zap strapped the fake plants on to until our real plants get big enough to have it just be real plants! I hope her enclosure is now up to snuff! Here's a break down of what's in there:
18X18X36 Reptibreeze
1 large plant pot of coco fiber for a laying in (placed near the back for privacy)
1 plant pot with 2 pothos plants planted in coco fiber
1 rock hide (holds her climbing branch that is vertical in place)
1 small kritter keeper with screen mesh across top under lid incase she should fall in it will catch her before she ends up in the water and is high enough for her to climb right back out ;) (to catch the droplets from the dripper above)
Paper towel substrate
1 plastic plant holder (which I zap strapped the fake plants to)
A Multitude of fake plants
1 vertical climbing branch (fake plants attached to it)
1 reptile rope (curled around the climbing branch)
4 Wooden climbing dowels (1/2" and 5/8")
She has plastic tank back ground on 1 side (and soon the back) of her enclosure so humidity stays in
1 60W basking lamp
A 2ft linear 5.0 UVB
And a little dripper which I made a hole in the top of the screen so the tube goes Inside the tank (she prefers to drink right from the Tube not just drops)

I think that's a break down of everything in her tank :) let me know what else she could use ;)
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