When a chameleon has MBD the lack of calcium not only affects the bones but the muscles as well so it's not surprising that their tongues don't work well. It should improve as the calcium comes back into balance.
When a chameleon has MBD I usually keep them in a lower cage so the risk of falling and so they can bring the UVB more. Was the shot he gave the chameleon to help it absorb the calcium D3?
I would continue to use a syringe to ease the liquid calcium into its mouth. That way you know how much it's getting.
The strength should come back as it gets back to normal levels.
Calcium, D3, phos and vitamin A are all players in bone health and other systems in the chameleon and need to be in balance...so once you get the chameleon back in balance your need to keep it there so that he MB won't return. To do that you need to look at the lighting, temperature, what you feed the chameleon and what you feed the insects.
When a chameleon has MBD I usually keep them in a lower cage so the risk of falling and so they can bring the UVB more. Was the shot he gave the chameleon to help it absorb the calcium D3?
I would continue to use a syringe to ease the liquid calcium into its mouth. That way you know how much it's getting.
The strength should come back as it gets back to normal levels.
Calcium, D3, phos and vitamin A are all players in bone health and other systems in the chameleon and need to be in balance...so once you get the chameleon back in balance your need to keep it there so that he MB won't return. To do that you need to look at the lighting, temperature, what you feed the chameleon and what you feed the insects.