First off a quick hello.
I have been lurking around for many months and finally decided to become a member (not to hip on posting on forums in general).
But very much appreciated all the excellent info I have found to-date and the many helpful threads throughout.
I have had a Veiled Chameleon quite a few years back which grew up to be a big boy and was ultimately sold to a reputable local reptile store due to me having to move.
We have also successfully kept and bred Crested Gecko's for many years so I am perhaps not so new to reptiles overall.
After going through many a classified on this forum, I did manage to get a hold of a beautiful baby Ambanja just this Friday.
I just thought I run this past the knowledgeable crowd and settle down my nerves ... perhaps I am just a nervous nelly.
Here is all the info for a review and hope to hear some feedback on possible thoughts.
Thanks much
Chameleon Info:
• Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon
o Panther Chameleon
o Ambanja
o Male – 4 months (born first week of January 2014)
o Purchased from a sponsor of this forum
• How long has it been in your care?
o Since Friday 05/09 = 4 days
• Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
o Only once to get him carefully out of the shipping container (plastic Deli – Cup)
o Wiped hands with reptisafe on a paper towel then left to air dry before touching him
• Feeding - What are you feeding your cham?
o Friday afternoon (12:30 pm) after arriving at 10:00 am
7 small (less than 1/2”) crickets
All were gone next morning
Did not see him actually eat or hydrate – tried to stay away from the cage and let him settle in
o Saturday morning:
10:00 am 7 small (1/2”) crickets
Saw him physically eat 4 and saw him drink droplets from leaves that were deposited there via mister
Very actively hunting around and moved around the cage all day.
o Sunday morning:
10:00 am 7 small (1/2”) crickets
Saw him physically eat 3, saw him drink a few droplets from leaves that were deposited there via mister
Changed colors to quite vibrant Greens/with Darker bands - tail was “flicking” before he struck out with tongue
Found a poop on bottom of the cage which is dark a slightly moist with white urea about ½” long
o Monday morning:
10:00 am 5-7 small (less than 1/2”) crickets
Did not seem interested at all at feeding time
Caught him eat one after 2 hrs
Saw him drink two droplets from leaves --not too enthusiastically
Seems to be hunting now, eye balling remaining crickets (3:30 pm)
Climbed the dripper, eyeballed droplets but did not drink (4:00 pm)
• What amount?
o See above on amount(s)
• What is the schedule?
o So far only in the morning as I didn’t see him eat all of them
I don’t want crickets roaming around too long in the cage
Any remaining crickets before bedtime I try to catch and remove
• How are you gut-loading your feeders?
o Carrots, greens, sliver of bell pepper, potato, Repashy super load, Fluckers cricket quenchers and Fluckers cricket diet.
o Did order some Dino Fuel today, getting some x-small Phoenix worms in the mail by 5:00 pm today
• Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
o ReptiCalcium without D3 – every day dusted lightly
o Reptivite reptile vitamins with D3 – plan to use by Friday as I do not know the last time he had vitamins/wD3
After Friday will start the regiment
• Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use?
o Exo Terra Monsoon 400 - 4 mist heads
Distilled water w/ a charcoal ? filter head on the pick up fitting
Storage container has a fish tank heater warms up water – temp is set @ 78F water at nozzle is around 68F
Timer starts up @ 7:30 am mists 60 sec
10:30 am mist 60 secs
1:30 pm mist 60 secs
4:30 pm mist 60 secs
o A little dripper - drips at a very slow rate all day long
Turned on by hand @ 8:00 am
Turned off @ 6:00 pm
o ZooMed fogger at lowest possible setting
Fog moves up ¾ way up cage (20" out of 24" height)
3 times a day – schedule below
• How often and how long to you mist?
o Every 3 hours @ 60 seconds – schedule is on timer, starts @ 7:30 am after the lights come on as to not startle the little guy
o fogger/Mister is on starting at 7:30 – 15 min, 12:00 30 min, 3:00 pm 15 min
• Do you see your chameleon drinking?
o Yes twice on successive days – but not enthusiastically
• Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings.
o dark brown almost black w a White tip about half inch long – only found one so far
• Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
o I do not know
• History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
o NA only had him for four days
Cage Info:
• Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
o Glass ExoTerra – 18” Wide by 18” Deep by 24” High – reason for using ExoTerra - keep moisture within reasonable levels as Colorado is a very dry climate
o Top is full vented screen plus the vented slit on the bottom of the front glass
• Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
o Exoterra Compact Hood with 2 - 24 watts 5.0 Exoterra bulbs – brand new installed the day before the chameleon arrived
o 12 hours on 12 hours off start @ 7:00 am off by 7:00 pm
• Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
o 80F – 84F Max at basking area 2 inches from top of screen – using a Black ceramic emitter
o 60F – 68F at 3/4 down opposite side of the enclosure
• Humidity - What are your humidity levels?
o Basking area fluctuates from 45 back to 20 after misting
o Opposite side of tank fluctuates from 65 back to 45 after misting
• How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
o As described above, Exoterra Monsoon + Humidifier + dripper Humidity is measured with ExoTerra (2 of them) digital thermometer/hygrometer combo’s
• Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
o No - currently all fake, planning in later stages to get live, want to get past the young stage and prevent any possibility of it ingesting any earth or contaminations
o Fake vines, a small piece of grape vine to provide the “center” climbing colum
• Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas?
o Home office against the wall (cornered)
o No fans, No Air vents
o Very low traffic area, I work as an IT specialist and program – no movement besides me typing or getting up for a cup of coffee – lunch
o Cats are kept away from this room
• At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
o Top of cage is at 5 feet
• Location - Where are you geographically located?
o Parker Colorado - 6000 feet – climate is quite arid during summer
• Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
o Cham seems to doze under the 5.0 Reptisun. Get’s quite Black when he is there (about an hour or so) – will close eye(s) the one facing the bulb.
o From all the readings ,I was under the impression you should see no eye closure (perhaps giving the impression of dozing)
o Also understand that the very Black coloration would be stress / unhappiness
o He does seem to change back to a general Green/some light Blue (still developing his full color) once he moves on his own away from the UV Bulb
o On all days he retreats to the very back off the cage around 4:30 pm (3/4 down) before lights go out, but remains alert / eyes open.
He is pretty well sleeping by 5:30 pm though, tail is curled into a perfect spiral and he is firmly gripping the branch he has picked out
• Questions:
o Am I just too overbearing and on top of the cage keeping a “too watch full eye out” ?
I can see the cage from my chair from which I work, so I see “all movement”, perhaps I need to find a diff work place
o Is he just stressed out and finding his way around the cage?
o Do I need to move the highest leaves/branches further away from the ReptiGlo ?
o Is the Repti Glo a bit too much and should I only use 1 bulb instead or perhaps switch to 12 Watt instead of 2-24 watts?
o Am I too worried not seeing him eat all crickets ? Can’t truly determine if he gets enough hydration but eye turrets are looking fine.
Camping out right under the 5.0 bulb:
Another angle:
3/4 way down the cage average temp and humidity:
2 inches from top of cage average temp and humidity:[/U][/B]
Current gutload supplies:
New Reptiglow bulbs:
Light hood and basking spot set up and little dripper:
The "one and only poop" found so far:
I have been lurking around for many months and finally decided to become a member (not to hip on posting on forums in general).
But very much appreciated all the excellent info I have found to-date and the many helpful threads throughout.
I have had a Veiled Chameleon quite a few years back which grew up to be a big boy and was ultimately sold to a reputable local reptile store due to me having to move.
We have also successfully kept and bred Crested Gecko's for many years so I am perhaps not so new to reptiles overall.
After going through many a classified on this forum, I did manage to get a hold of a beautiful baby Ambanja just this Friday.
I just thought I run this past the knowledgeable crowd and settle down my nerves ... perhaps I am just a nervous nelly.
Here is all the info for a review and hope to hear some feedback on possible thoughts.
Thanks much
Chameleon Info:
• Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon
o Panther Chameleon
o Ambanja
o Male – 4 months (born first week of January 2014)
o Purchased from a sponsor of this forum
• How long has it been in your care?
o Since Friday 05/09 = 4 days
• Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
o Only once to get him carefully out of the shipping container (plastic Deli – Cup)
o Wiped hands with reptisafe on a paper towel then left to air dry before touching him
• Feeding - What are you feeding your cham?
o Friday afternoon (12:30 pm) after arriving at 10:00 am
7 small (less than 1/2”) crickets
All were gone next morning
Did not see him actually eat or hydrate – tried to stay away from the cage and let him settle in
o Saturday morning:
10:00 am 7 small (1/2”) crickets
Saw him physically eat 4 and saw him drink droplets from leaves that were deposited there via mister
Very actively hunting around and moved around the cage all day.
o Sunday morning:
10:00 am 7 small (1/2”) crickets
Saw him physically eat 3, saw him drink a few droplets from leaves that were deposited there via mister
Changed colors to quite vibrant Greens/with Darker bands - tail was “flicking” before he struck out with tongue
Found a poop on bottom of the cage which is dark a slightly moist with white urea about ½” long
o Monday morning:
10:00 am 5-7 small (less than 1/2”) crickets
Did not seem interested at all at feeding time
Caught him eat one after 2 hrs
Saw him drink two droplets from leaves --not too enthusiastically
Seems to be hunting now, eye balling remaining crickets (3:30 pm)
Climbed the dripper, eyeballed droplets but did not drink (4:00 pm)
• What amount?
o See above on amount(s)
• What is the schedule?
o So far only in the morning as I didn’t see him eat all of them
I don’t want crickets roaming around too long in the cage
Any remaining crickets before bedtime I try to catch and remove
• How are you gut-loading your feeders?
o Carrots, greens, sliver of bell pepper, potato, Repashy super load, Fluckers cricket quenchers and Fluckers cricket diet.
o Did order some Dino Fuel today, getting some x-small Phoenix worms in the mail by 5:00 pm today
• Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
o ReptiCalcium without D3 – every day dusted lightly
o Reptivite reptile vitamins with D3 – plan to use by Friday as I do not know the last time he had vitamins/wD3
After Friday will start the regiment
• Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use?
o Exo Terra Monsoon 400 - 4 mist heads
Distilled water w/ a charcoal ? filter head on the pick up fitting
Storage container has a fish tank heater warms up water – temp is set @ 78F water at nozzle is around 68F
Timer starts up @ 7:30 am mists 60 sec
10:30 am mist 60 secs
1:30 pm mist 60 secs
4:30 pm mist 60 secs
o A little dripper - drips at a very slow rate all day long
Turned on by hand @ 8:00 am
Turned off @ 6:00 pm
o ZooMed fogger at lowest possible setting
Fog moves up ¾ way up cage (20" out of 24" height)
3 times a day – schedule below
• How often and how long to you mist?
o Every 3 hours @ 60 seconds – schedule is on timer, starts @ 7:30 am after the lights come on as to not startle the little guy
o fogger/Mister is on starting at 7:30 – 15 min, 12:00 30 min, 3:00 pm 15 min
• Do you see your chameleon drinking?
o Yes twice on successive days – but not enthusiastically
• Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings.
o dark brown almost black w a White tip about half inch long – only found one so far
• Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
o I do not know
• History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
o NA only had him for four days
Cage Info:
• Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
o Glass ExoTerra – 18” Wide by 18” Deep by 24” High – reason for using ExoTerra - keep moisture within reasonable levels as Colorado is a very dry climate
o Top is full vented screen plus the vented slit on the bottom of the front glass
• Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
o Exoterra Compact Hood with 2 - 24 watts 5.0 Exoterra bulbs – brand new installed the day before the chameleon arrived
o 12 hours on 12 hours off start @ 7:00 am off by 7:00 pm
• Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
o 80F – 84F Max at basking area 2 inches from top of screen – using a Black ceramic emitter
o 60F – 68F at 3/4 down opposite side of the enclosure
• Humidity - What are your humidity levels?
o Basking area fluctuates from 45 back to 20 after misting
o Opposite side of tank fluctuates from 65 back to 45 after misting
• How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
o As described above, Exoterra Monsoon + Humidifier + dripper Humidity is measured with ExoTerra (2 of them) digital thermometer/hygrometer combo’s
• Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
o No - currently all fake, planning in later stages to get live, want to get past the young stage and prevent any possibility of it ingesting any earth or contaminations
o Fake vines, a small piece of grape vine to provide the “center” climbing colum
• Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas?
o Home office against the wall (cornered)
o No fans, No Air vents
o Very low traffic area, I work as an IT specialist and program – no movement besides me typing or getting up for a cup of coffee – lunch
o Cats are kept away from this room
• At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
o Top of cage is at 5 feet
• Location - Where are you geographically located?
o Parker Colorado - 6000 feet – climate is quite arid during summer
• Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
o Cham seems to doze under the 5.0 Reptisun. Get’s quite Black when he is there (about an hour or so) – will close eye(s) the one facing the bulb.
o From all the readings ,I was under the impression you should see no eye closure (perhaps giving the impression of dozing)
o Also understand that the very Black coloration would be stress / unhappiness
o He does seem to change back to a general Green/some light Blue (still developing his full color) once he moves on his own away from the UV Bulb
o On all days he retreats to the very back off the cage around 4:30 pm (3/4 down) before lights go out, but remains alert / eyes open.
He is pretty well sleeping by 5:30 pm though, tail is curled into a perfect spiral and he is firmly gripping the branch he has picked out
• Questions:
o Am I just too overbearing and on top of the cage keeping a “too watch full eye out” ?
I can see the cage from my chair from which I work, so I see “all movement”, perhaps I need to find a diff work place
o Is he just stressed out and finding his way around the cage?
o Do I need to move the highest leaves/branches further away from the ReptiGlo ?
o Is the Repti Glo a bit too much and should I only use 1 bulb instead or perhaps switch to 12 Watt instead of 2-24 watts?
o Am I too worried not seeing him eat all crickets ? Can’t truly determine if he gets enough hydration but eye turrets are looking fine.
Camping out right under the 5.0 bulb:

Another angle:

3/4 way down the cage average temp and humidity:

2 inches from top of cage average temp and humidity:[/U][/B]

Current gutload supplies:

New Reptiglow bulbs:

Light hood and basking spot set up and little dripper:

The "one and only poop" found so far: