Newly hatched Pygmy's


Avid Member
After two months they finally hatched. It's really amazing that I was able to keep the eggs alive, hopefully I can keep the babies alive. These guys are so tiny. I've already left some fruit flies in with them and should be hatching some pinheads for them soon.

Without further adieu pictures, pictures, pictures.






I'll take better pics someday, lol.
Adorable! If you have a few more eggs, expect more. They like to come one a day, or every two days. Good luck with them!
Adorable! If you have a few more eggs, expect more. They like to come one a day, or every two days. Good luck with them!

I had 5 in that clutch. So far 4 hatched out. One I'm waiting on. I have another two from a few weeks ago. Hopefully those will make it in a few months too! I'm gonna have all kinds of Pyg's.
Congratulations!! They are super cute little babies!

I'm still considering adding a little boy to my girls' viv, so if you need a home for one of them... ;)
Aww so precious! I absolutely adore the little pygmys! I wanna say my top fav chameleons are( My Veileds) then Jacksons then panthers, then pygmys..then flapnecks and the list goes on XD
Thanks everyone! :) One of them still hasn't hatched :(
More pics to come no worries Laurie! When I picked them up to move them some of them hissed, it was too cute. I feel like if I touch them I will crush them.
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