Night Lighting for Winter.

Not sure what chams you have, but most chams that are kept indoors and the house temp is over 60, you really don't need any heat at night.
What chams do you have and how old are they?
Sorry about not giving any info.

I have 2 Ambanjas.

1 is 7 months and the other is about 10 months to a year old. Im not too sure how cold it gets but to me it seems a little cold. I would rather be safe than sorry.
This is a great question. I was wondering about the samething. I just moved back in with my parents, and they hate turing the heat on, so sometimes the night temp in the house gets to around 50. It's not that cold yet, but I wanna be ready for when it happens so I don't wake up to a frozen Wilson.
I thought I read once in a post that night lights aren't even a good idea. Has anyone else every heard that?
50 would then be too cold for them at night. Then they would need some sort of heat. Black light bulbs work well if heat is needed. With Halloween coming up soon you should be able to pick them up real cheap. A couple years ago, I was picking them up for 99 cents.
But if the temp is over 60 at night, no heat is necessary.
If you can, heat the room (space heater) to the minimum temp (or just over) at night, rather than using a ceramic bulb (or other). heat bulbs make a fairly focused warm area, and the heat rises away from the cage. Not the best.
if heating the room is not an option, the ceramic / non-light emmiting bulbs are much better than night light bulbs. dark is best for sleeping

if you're not sure how cold the room is getting, buy a cheap guage that stores the Max and Min temp. Check it every morning, so you know what the min temp was while sleeping. Check it when you get home from work/school to see what the temp max was while away. Places like homedepot sell temp/humidity guages that store max and mins for under $12.

i personally think the night time low for a young panther should be 65F/18C
A bulb that outputs like this should work well, very minimal visible light, enough to see your sleeping cham, but not enough to wake him!


A bulb like this creates a better warm area than a ceramic, which tend to get extremly hot themselves while the heat just weakly dissipates around it, not much warming the air as well, imo.

I agree with Sandra. Heating the whole room is the best option. Use a oil filled radiant space heater. They are about the most energy efficient space heaters on the market.

Here is a link to one. Of course you will need to shop around to find one of appropriate size for your room.
Isn't it a bad idea to leave a space hearter on over night though, espcially if you aren't in the room?

Certainly not, not if you buy a decent one. The Oil filled rads Pure mentioned are extremely safe and are meant to be used on an ongoing basis. The one I have has a timer and settings so I can set it to be one temp during the night, another during the day. These things are used often by those who do not have central heating.
Im pretty sure the temps in my house will drop below 60 degrees during winter. So those lights bulbs that i posted are not recommended?

The black lights mentioned, youre talking about something like this right?

In hollywood?
I am closer to the beach I believe and experience cooler temps, and our house never drops that low at night, even if no heater is on.
It is rare if it gets below 60, remember, your house is insulated from the outside, and maintains a much more normal temperature.
An occasional cooler night isn't going to be a problem for a healthy cham in a well planted cage as long as it gets to warm up well the next day. If the room is going to be consistently below 60 at night you could put towel on top of the cage and an under tank heater pad around the bottom and run it on a thermostat. We are talking a few degrees and heat does rise. But for daily use all winter heating the room may be best. An oil filled portable radiator with a thermostat set low will take the edge off.
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