Night temp for a wild jackson??


New Member
In an early post I mentioned that I get my Jackson's cage to a temp of like 68 to 70%...
I got a great response from one of the forum members who answeres most of my question!!! (Thanks again!!!)
She informed my that I need to stop the red light and see if I can get the temp to like 65%

As I was thinking about I had one more question about this, being here in hawaii added to my chameleon being from the wild, nights here on the island rarley drop lower then the 70's. off and on through the winter it might hit like 68.. and maybe up on the summit with wind factors taken into account. but IDK if the jacksons go up to the summit, I believe most are found in the lower mountains where there is lots of water ..

SO taking that into account, do try to drop the temp to 65? right not he seems to try to get close to the light even when the temp is like 68 to 70?

Does he do this because something is wrong?

also how do you cool a spot .. everything I have found is for heating?

thanks for any input offered!!!

So I dont have jacksons but Im pretty sure temps should look like this
Basking spot: 80-85 (maybe a couple degrees higher)
Cooler end: around 75
and at night , when you turn off the lights, if it doesnt drop below 65 degrees it should be fine and you dont need a night bulb or anything
Oh and the basking spot might be a little to cold for your jackson if hes trying to get closer to the light. Make sure his basking spot is 80-85 degrees
ok Ty.. I did get the basking spot to like 83 - 84 so that worked, the part where he was climbing to the light was at night. but last night I did turn off all the lights. I couldnt see how he was ; ) but this morning he seemed fine. (not that I'm really sure what that is ) ; ) when I turned on the uv light he moved his way over and found a comfy spot.

Thanks again
I agree. Jacksons are native to hawaii now....ever since they were should either let it live outside....or recreate the temps inside the cage inside....70% humidity....80-85 basking.
It mostly hits the right temps here.. just was the night one at 65.. but yeah i keep it at what the outside temp is in the mountains and so far he is doing good, well to me he seems to be doing good.. I would have him outside but I really dont have an outside where he would be safe..
Luv the input though thanks so very much!!!

We've got masses and masses of 'em up here in Kula on Maui. I'm at 4000 ft. Temps here are in the low 80's on a warm day, in the 70's on a cool one. We get down to the low 60's upper 50's at night. The wild Jacksons seem to be doing quite well. I take 'em in during kona storms and hurricanes, but otherwise they seem quite happy enough.
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