No Color Change?

Hi I'm Breeannsmom. My husband Ken and I have a 3 to 5 month old baby veiled Chameleon named Breeann.She is very active and eats well My only concern is that she doesnt seem to change colors or patterns? She is eating and there are urates in her stools everything else seems to be quite normal. She receives her calcium and reptivite on schedule and I am at a loss to think that something might be wrong with her we already love "Bree" any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank You Brees mom
Hi there welcome to the forum. Can you post pics of your girl and of her entire cage lighting down? With Veileds you do not see much color change when they are young.
Thank You! Unfortunately I cannot post pics at this time. I have to get the pix developed first, as soon as I do I'll post them. I can't scan them with my phone. Breeannsmom
well not much I can do to assist without seeing what colors she is actually displaying and the enclosure set up to ensure it looks correct. So post pics when you can... Here is a link to correct husbandry I would start reading through it if you have not yet. If you do in fact have a female this will require some different husbandry than a male as she matures in the next few months.
thank you all! Yes I can take pictures with my phone. I cant get them to the computer
I'm sure you can, but it may require a small cable with a micro-USB on one end, and regular USB on the other.

Alternatively, you may be able to email or text pics to your email acct. and retrieve from there.

Hope this helps.
A young veiled chameleon will generally stay light green in color, only showing color changes more often when it gets older.

IDK if the piebald gene may also subdue colors, but other morphs (e.g. hypomelanism) can, and it's not rare to have more than one morph at work at the same time. I have a bearded dragon that is both translucent and hypomelanistic. As he matured, he seems to have outgrown the translucence (though the gene is still present).
thank you all! Yes I can take pictures with my phone. I cant get them to the computer
Does your phone have internet access as well? I pretty much only visit the forums on my Android phone and if the photos are taken with your phone you can upload them directly to the forums. There's an option to attach files and that's how you do it. I hope this helps!
Does your phone have internet access as well? I pretty much only visit the forums on my Android phone and if the photos are taken with your phone you can upload them directly to the forums. There's an option to attach files and that's how you do it. I hope this helps!
Yep! That's how I do it!
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