No Good Deed Goes Unpunished :-)


An update on the Animal Control Officer visit at the local reptile store:

Regarding the inspection that required a water bowl be put in each chameleon enclosure...

I had left msgs with the office almost two months ago but never heard back. Well, I just got a call from the Sgt. in charge and he agreed that a sign would be a great idea! (It seems that my msgs got misplaced for a while but everything is ok now.)

So a sign will be put up that talks about how water bowls are not appropriate for chameleons and that misting is the preferred method.
Congrats on finally getting them to see things your way Dave. You are a very knowledgeable guy and I'm glad there are people like you out there that are willing to help. Big kudos on a job well done!
Dave, congratualtions, however, don't let that satisfy you. You have you're foot in the door, they trust you and respect the information that you have taught them. Push them to make this a common regulation for the area of which the 'Califronia Fish and Game' enforces.

ie. "if a misting system that is used properly with chameleons is in place and operational, no waterbowls must be supplied. In addition, if proper hand misting is done daily- and of sufficient amounts, again no waterbowls must be supplied."

Hopefully this will actually convince stores to properly hydrate their chameleons- and not say to their customers, "I don't know why it doesn't drink...?" while they stand and stare at the dying chameleon with the waterbowl.

An update on the Animal Control Officer visit at the local reptile store:

Regarding the inspection that required a water bowl be put in each chameleon enclosure...

I had left msgs with the office almost two months ago but never heard back. Well, I just got a call from the Sgt. in charge and he agreed that a sign would be a great idea! (It seems that my msgs got misplaced for a while but everything is ok now.)

So a sign will be put up that talks about how water bowls are not appropriate for chameleons and that misting is the preferred method.

Digging up old posts. Thought this was kinda neat. Is that sign still up Dave?
Howdy All,

I thought this was just too ironic...

I've spent the last couple of years helping the local reptile store get their chameleon enclosures (and chameleons) closer to acceptable, including a semi-automated misting system and drainage that I installed - free labor. They are able to do several runs a day for about 15 minutes across 6 encosures.

Today, the Califronia Fish and Game came in to do an inspection. They threatend to fine them because their chameleon cages didn't have water bowels :eek:. Now they all have water bowels :mad:. Oh well...

This thread was started before I joined the forum. I am in the UK and had a similar experience when I got Lily. I had done research before visiting the exotic pet shop that I got her from. I was confused when I saw a water bowl in the bottom of her vivarium. I asked the question: 'Does she drink from that water bowl? I thought that chams don't recognise standing water!' The owner's reply was - 'We have to provide a water bowl in all the vivariums as part of the pet shop licence, and no, she doesn't drink from it!'

So, basically, all animals have to be supplied with a fresh water supply regardless of whether they actually use it or not!
LOL. The people that I work with think that I am nuts too, way more interested in my chams et al than dating. But when they see pictures they ooooh and aaaaw themselves.:p
I stopped at a Petco last week to check for uvb bulbs on clearance. They had 2 chameleons in 2 separate enclosures, a male and a female. Both had water bowls. I asked the girl working there if they knew chameleons don't drink from water bowls. She said they know this and the bowls are there in case the chams want to soak their bodies. I told her I don't think chams soak in water, they live in trees.

Then when I asked why the male was under observation, she said it was because he was having trouble shedding. I told her to mist him more. She said their reptile specialist comes in and mists the chams once in the morning and once in the evening. It was bone dry in both enclosures. I told her that's why the male is having trouble shedding. It's too dry for him. I don't know if it's worth it to write a letter to their corporate office, as I know this is an ongoing issue with Petco.
On a side note, chameleons may not drink water from water bowls, but they will drink from small animal water bottles. I haven't had any chameleons in a while, but the Jackson's Chameleon I had used a water bottle. Every morning when I would turn on his lights, he would wake up and go to his water bottle and lick the ball on the end to get himself a drink of water.
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