Chameleon Enthusiast
Noname has papiloma from being CH as you know, before I knew it was there(only found out well after you took my 2 panthers) my chams shared everything and no one ever got it. My vet was able to look at it and say that's probably what it was and that a biopsy wouldn't be necessary as it can't be treated and his health was fine otherwise.
I totally agree on letting buyers know, what I meant is that a vet should be able to look at it and tell if it's papiloma or something else. The bigger concern would be if it was something else like a fungal infection
Oh I didnt meant to quote you lol, I was just replying to thread in general. Pap would not scare me away, personally, unless I was planning a breeding line. I would still want to know if a cham had potential health issue, as Im a helicopter mom. Same goes for plants, I make sure the buyers of my plants know what they’re getting in terms of potential pest exposure (plant collectors can be brutally critical!).
And none of my crew has pap. Just that dead scale, that I probably would have just blown off if I didnt jnow there was possible connection. My vet has seen my crew multiple times and there are no issues and definitely no pap. So as you said, cross contamination is possible but unlikely outside of breeding.