No Poops! Now What?


New Member
Once you've established that your chameleon is constipated from night feeding, poor gut-loading, incorrect feeders, etc.... What can be done to help ones chameleon to get through this tough time?
A small drop of mineral oil on a feeder might get things "moving". I think a lot of people have had some success with that method. Do some searching here on the forum for mineral oil.

For general intestinal health and to prevent future issues, I would recommend definitely feeding earlier in the day, making sure his basking temp is correct (important for digestion) make sure he has access to plenty of water, give him extra warm mistings, and rotate in juicy bugs (silkworms and hornworms) regularly with the crunchy ones. Lighten up on the mealworms, or substitute them entirely for superworms.

I hope your little guy leaves you a giant "present" soon.

Have you had a chance to look at the care sheets here? They have a lot of great info that might help with the basics, as well.
good ole nature took care of the problem.

I am going to change their lighting schedule though so we can do only am feedings. Also going to increase the misters to 4x30 seconds a day as opposed to 2x60 seconds.
He was only a two or three days late but he was the most regular on the poop cycle. He's also the first chameleon I ever bred so I'm a little paranoid about him :)
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