noise NoIsE NOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
:confused::mad:anyone ever have a cricket that wont shut the hell up at 2 am. one that you cant find but that you can hear loud and clear in every room in your house. one that would only lower the volume when your close to it but still not stop. i have a migrane and i wanna strap this cricket to a bottle rocket!!!!!!!! i dont know if its in the tub of crix or in one of the cages. any ideas on how to get some peace and quiet???:mad::confused:
nothing works for this sucker...i get the migrane heritarily i think i spelled that im use to them its the noise maker who is partying like its new years already "stupid cricket" that is keeping me up for the last few nights
Sometimes my brain is so fed up I will find all the crickets with wing, slowly rip them off and laugh like a 3 year old.
Get yourself a few house or tokay geckos and just let them run around freely.....they get all the crix/roaches that escape
Last year I had a cricket that lived under my fridge and chirped for a year! It was so annoying!
i feel your pain. i get migraines and bleed out of my ears and nose. when that happens i just turn on the light and it shuts the cricket up:mad:
i had a cricket in between the walls before (no skirting as i was decorating), it chirped for weeks, i could have rip the walls and i also wondered how it lived that long, they are usual dead in the box after a couple of days
I must be weird but I actually like the sound of crickets chirping at night.....mind you they would be out in the shed if I had a migrane :(
i always feed the ones with wings eleimnates all problems...." ohh you have some wings i see....well here yogg ( my yemmen cham) i got a nice treat for you ( as i cary it over with my prongs)....snatch"" MUAHHAAHAH NO CHERPING FOR YOU!"
Uh I know what you mean. I had the cham cage in my room for a couple days while we redid the "reptile room" and there was one cricket that chirped for days. And I couldn't find the sucker amongst the plants at night, so every once in a while I just had to curse the day it was born screaming and that would shut it up for a little. It scared the crap out of my poor dog and chameleon, but it I have a short fuse when I'm sleeping lol.

Had I found the sucker I would have gleefully squished it >:]
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