noki and rayli's weight...


Avid Member
so i weighed my chams yesterday...

Rayli - 5 months old ambilobe female

8/22 - 22 g
10/2 - 46 g

Noki - 5 months old ambilobe male

8/22 - 26 g
10/2 - 66 g

they're definitely getting big. any thoughts on their weight? just wanted to know if they're weight is average, above average, etc. for their age. thanks!
They have both gained allot of weight. I'd cut back on your female or she'll be laying a clutch. What temps are you keeping her at?
Yea, at 5 months it's a good idea to bring the temps down to about 80-82*F and feed her fewer insects each time she eats, so she doesn't produce eggs or produces fewer eggs.

But their weights look good. Definitely within normal for a lot of people's animals. Mine were always much smaller but some are like that.
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