Non-native species ban

The pd's were banned because of typical government beaurocratic stupididy.

PD's kept with imported, wild caught, african pouched rats. The rats had monkeypox, the pd's carried it to the people when they were purchased. People got mokneypox from the pd's. So, the government bans pds.

See how it works?

It doesn't make sense, because the pd's can't get an african disease without the african animals. It's pointless to ban them. But it happens.

That's how government handles things - it's not personal, it does not care, it does not think - the government is like a non-existant, yet present, virtual entity. It has no brain, no compassion - no thought. It is esentially, in it's physical composition, a beurocratic filter for effeciency and a means of channeling, funneling and filtering the thoughts, agenda and wills of tens of thousands of biased, judgemental people, who's #1 priotiry is to keep thier job, be it by getting votes or cotinuation of their positions' funding.

I've worked IN several levels of government, and I've worked with all levels of government during that time. The higher up you go, the more mindless and ineffecient it gets! The jump rom county to state is amazing. The county may hae corruption, but it's more transparent. State government is sickeningly wasteful. It's criminal. The degree of taxpayer money in the federal government that is wasted on pointles activities is beyond criminal, it's not even something that can be classified it's insane. There is no regulation of the regulators - these agencies are the WORST.
and they're the ones who will be banning our animals.
I agree with you on the fact that the government is mindless and needs to be fixed. What I dont understand is why the FWS and NOAA heads are appointed... Basically the people that deal with the wildlife and make the final decision have no idea what they are talking about and depending on their agenda they can fix it to where certain things dont make it out to the public.

I think the heads of those departments should be the same as everything else... you work your way up.

By the way FWS(Fish and Wildlife Services) and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Asociation) are the 2 departments in the government that regulate wildlife protection and how it is protected. FWS is for wildlife inside the country and NOAA deals with the marine mammals and ocean fish.

All this info is based from past professors I've had and their experiences. I am still in the learning processes so I don't really have the experience you do Eric. I am always interested in knowing how things can be fixed :)
The only ban that should ever be put in place is for irrisponsible pet owners. Not only should every pet owner be screened for compatablility with pet, but someone should be able to go around at least once every six months to make sure the pet is safe/healthy/not being dumped. This bill would also have to include fish. I don't want to imagine how many pirrana are swimming around in our lakes. Poor fish.

It is not realistic economically to have a pet police. There is a much greater chance of this bill passing 100 times over before the government will shell out the money for a pet police to check every pet every "x" amount of time.
Well I really dont think anything like this will be given federal power. If anything it will be giving states more power over the issue. I'm sorry, but certain areas are correct in not allowing people to have certain animals.

When an invasive species comes into a new environment they have a 99% chance of not making it, but that 1% will destroy an ecosystem. Guam and the brown tree snake are an excellent example. I believe that even a 1% chance in destroying an ecosystem is good enough reason to try and eliminate that factor.

What did they do with the prairie dogs?

I think we would be even worse of if it goes to a state level. It would then probably be put onto a ballet and voted on. Most people do not care and probably would vote it into law.

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