non toxic plants for chams

Here you go, this is an excellent list:

These are plants that are non-toxic though, it doesn't mean that they'll do well in your cage or be great plants for climbing, etc. But it'll help you out when you're at a store or nursery buying plants. My personal favorites are ficus, pothos, and umbrella plants. Some people have success with hibiscus plants but I haven't, so I've given up trying to keep them alive indoors. It doesn't stop me from experimenting with species though, which is why I love this list. It just takes a little more research to find out what may do well inside and what won't. I'd love to have an outdoor cage to get all the beautiful flowering plants I want, like jasmine and lilac in there!
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a personal favorite, the pothos :p you had posted a thread about jackson's earlier, and they do not chew on their plants like veileds, so there is little worry about them ingesting the pothos, its crazy thick, keeps up humidity great, and has awesome vines, and if they get too long, cut them off, put in cup of water and it starts a new plant!
Here are my favorites that my chams really enjoy:

Phoenix Palm
Banana Plant ( not sure what species)
Creeping Fig

And i am starting to grow mustard greens inside my veil's enclosures so that have a good munchie incase of emergency.
I always use hibiscus even though it is hard to keep, my chameleon loves to eat it, and it's safe for him, and the flowers are beautiful.
Im told wild Hawaiian jacksons frequent hibiscus, mine seems to really like it.
My most recommended plant is pothos.
You could do much worse than have nothing but a bunch of pothos in an enclosure.

i really had no idea it was on the site and i actually found the plants no problem at all. thanks again for all the help:D
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