Noob question about shedding?


New Member
I've had my veiled about 2 weeks. Today, it looks like he is just starting to shed. I've noticed though, that he seems to be a bit darker today. I guess I expected that he would look a little "dull" (I do too when I need to exfoliate!) but I didn't expect that his coloring would change.
Is this normal?
I am being careful to keep the humidity in his cage up, and I've been misting him a little more today on the off chance that he was dehydrated (I don't think he is, his droppings look just fine).

My problem is, that I work from home- he is in my office with me all day and every time I look over at him, I do so with a tiny bit of trepidation. Reading some of the horror stories on here about chams who are ill has made me a little bit paranoid! :eek:
I've had my veiled about 2 weeks. Today, it looks like he is just starting to shed. I've noticed though, that he seems to be a bit darker today. I guess I expected that he would look a little "dull" (I do too when I need to exfoliate!) but I didn't expect that his coloring would change.
Is this normal?
I am being careful to keep the humidity in his cage up, and I've been misting him a little more today on the off chance that he was dehydrated (I don't think he is, his droppings look just fine).

My problem is, that I work from home- he is in my office with me all day and every time I look over at him, I do so with a tiny bit of trepidation. Reading some of the horror stories on here about chams who are ill has made me a little bit paranoid! :eek:

Chams do sometimes get darker when they shed. Keeping the humidity up and doing extra mistings are good, it helps with getting the shed off.
I have found what described to be similar with what my cham goes through. And yes this place makes you become a hypochondriac towards your cham
You wrote: My problem is, that I work from home- he is in my office with me all day and every time I look over at him, I do so with a tiny bit of trepidation. Reading some of the horror stories on here about chams who are ill has made me a little bit paranoid!

I've had mine for 6 weeks and in my home office as well, and I agree with you. I did my research over many years before finally getting one. Then I joined this forum for a community of support. And the reading is facinating and at the same time paranoid inducing. But follow the advice of experienced members here and feed, water, and supplement your cham as recommended. And ask for support whenever, there is an abundance of members willing to share their knowledge. I provided extra cover in the form of articial plants after he moved in when I noticed he was a bit edgy by my activities in the office. He has settled in and is less reactionary to my presence.

Enjoy watching your living mood ring and getting to know him.
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