

New Member
Hey All,
I am a noob at this whole chameleon thing. I have had my girl Tiombe for almost two months now. She is a pretty good size now. I am looking to build her a new enclosure in the next week, Spring break!!! I am curious if any of you have tips on what to look for and buy and how to go about making them.
hi and welcome to the forums! If you click on the green forums tab and then you see a link for enclosures and supplies you can search for what you are looking for. There are tons of threads that have been done on building and such. I am sure you will get some responses too but if you don't feel like waiting...
Ok thank you. Also, I have been looking into getting her a male to live with her, is this a good idea?
Ok thank you. Also, I have been looking into getting her a male to live with her, is this a good idea?

Hello and welcome to the forum. You will find lots of helpful members here. Having a female and male living together is not a good idea. You will have a female that is gravid all time, which will shorten her life and possibly kill her.
Any time you have 2 chams together, one will dominate the other and the stress alone can kill them.

How big an enclosure are you building? If it's freaking 6 feet tall, 3 feet deep and 12 feet wide, you might be able to keep a male and female together without a problem, but if you're a mere mortal like the rest of us, you'll need separate cages.
What species of Chameleon is she?
My female Veiled lives in a converted chest of drawers.........building from scratch is one way, but the lazy way is to find or buy a cheap wardrobe, pull off a door and stick mesh on it ;)
Handling depends on her attitude to it really, if she is always running and hiding then you should leave her be. If she is happy to hand feed then you know she is ok with it. Little black spots or dark brown colours mean she is stressed so if she gets them then put her back home.
Some chams are happy to be handled everyday, some just hate to be touched at all. If you move very slowly and carefully and are patient with her you should be able to find out how she likes it.
My two will tolerate me, and will eat from my hands but usually only when they are inside their Vivs. I mostly only handle them when I take them out for sun time, when I have to, and sometimes just to take pics :)
Ok, right now I don't think she likes to be handled a whole lot.

Do the get more relaxed the older they are?
It will depend partly on how well she was handled as a youngster. She isn't a baby anymore, so it will probably take real patience. If you take it very slow she'll get more relaxed with you. Start by holding a cricket near the door to her Viv when she's hungry. Chams in general are not for playing with though (That's why I have a monitor lizard too :D).
It will depend partly on how well she was handled as a youngster. She isn't a baby anymore, so it will probably take real patience. If you take it very slow she'll get more relaxed with you. Start by just holding a cricket near the door to her Viv when she's hungry. Chams in general are not for playing with though (That's why I have a monitor lizard too :D).
What species of Chameleon is she?
My female Veiled lives in a converted chest of drawers.........building from scratch is one way, but the lazy way is to find or buy a cheap wardrobe, pull off a door and stick mesh on it ;)

Great minds think alike!! ;)

Hoping to build Simba a nice new setup soon for when I relocate him into the living room.

Would love to free range him but I have 2 terriers so not a good idea.

Plus I couldn't cope with bugs jumpin round the house!!

Come to mention do you free rangers feed the bugs without them jumping all over?
Just cup n forcep feeds??
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