Normal or Abnormal


New Member

Picked up my first panther chameleon this past weekend, I currently own a male jackson and male carpet as well but this one has done some things to alarm me and was wondering how you guys feel about this. First day i got him he showed his hemipenes and apparently somehow scratched them where there were a couple drops of blood, as soon as he retracted the bleeding stopped and he has acted normal eating drinking since. I contacted the breeder he said that he has seen this happen a time or two before but if anything else abnormal occurred to let him know and he would get me a replacement. I just feel as if his vent and hemipenes are a bit larger then they should be? I appreciate any feedback you guys have.

After the incident

Before the incident



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Ive seen some well endowed chams, but that seems abnormal.
Its possible its inflammed from injury or infection:(

It is normal for a chameleon to "flash" you though, as long as it goes back in.
Yeah thats pretty much how I'm feeling... hm I guess give him a few days to see if swelling goes down if not then its off to the vet we go
He did go to the bathroom for the first time today the urates were an off color which i mean he was in a cup all day so dehydration is possible ill try a warm shower in the morning and see where it gets me.
Well after the shower still no difference went to the bathroom again but no difference in swelling or whatever it may be.
Woaw, Barny big balls!!!! :D

That definately doesnt look normal. I think a vet visit is in order, it could develop into a prolapse if it swells so much that he cant get them back in.
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