NOSEY BE JUST HATCHED! What temp do i keep him at?


New Member
Nosey be just hatched. Snipped him out of his egg and he is breathing and doing fine. But what temp do i keep a newborn neonate at?
Hi, just out the egg. I personally keep them right around 74-76*. After the second day i will set a basking spot in the low 80 for the first few months and then raise it to high 80's from there on out.

Your baby has a prolapse or was not formed correctly. The baby will not live.
Well he said he snipped the baby out... Why would you snip him out and not allow the baby to come out on his own time?
Didnt even read his post. Went off the thread title. Would make sense now why the neonate is not fully developed.
Didnt even read his post. Went off the thread title. Would make sense now why the neonate is not fully developed.

I don't understand why so many people on this forum do not wait for the babies to hatch on their own... Sometimes my babies will slit the egg and then wait 1-2 days before they come fully out. So many people I see cut the eggs and do their best to force the babies which results in stillbirth..
It looks like a lot of the yolk sac is left. They don't usually need "help", just time to hatch on their own. Be very careful of the yolk sac, because if it is broken it could cause more problems.
This little guy (veiled) was having a bit of a problem. Head was popping and so was a leg, but i thought the egg was hindering his escape.

I took a pin and put it under the egg from the leg to the head opening and tore the egg. The tail popped out immediately. Isn't it precious?



I then placed it back in the hatchery for it to come out on it's own and not 10 minutes later it was out and on the move.
I agree with the above post that's its egg sack, it isn't a prolapse..
be careful cause if you rip that off it can die.. usually they will slit the eggs an hang out in the eggs a couple days while it absorbs the sac an its best to leave them be to do this an when there done they come out of the egg..
I would say leave them be after the eggs is slit to soak up the sack for a few days...
an for the record that baby is fully formed and alive its grabbing its own leg for those that are thinking it isn't fully formed..
I agree with the above post that's its egg sack, it isn't a prolapse..
be careful cause if you rip that off it can die.. usually they will slit the eggs an hang out in the eggs a couple days while it absorbs the sac an its best to leave them be to do this an when there done they come out of the egg..
I would say leave them be after the eggs is slit to soak up the sack for a few days...
an for the record that baby is fully formed and alive its grabbing its own leg for those that are thinking it isn't fully formed..

I agree it is fully formed, I didn't agree with slitting the egg unless totally necessary which it seems it was not.
He's fine
how his setup? It's temporary.
he hasn't started eating as hes is 2 days old.
Oh and the reason i cut the egg open was because the egg was tight around his neck and it looked as if he couldn't breathe. He was walking around the next morning and had obsoleted most of the yolk.
Haha hes on the hunt right now. Oh and do u recommend pin head crickets or fruit flys the r wingless.
oh and one more thing, he sticks his tongue out every once in awhile. Is he stretching it out or is something wrong with it?
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