nosy faly

Well I am just going to give you an opinion, some advice perhaps.
I really think you should focus on learning the little things, like what locales are what, how to feed and care for 1 cham and keep it alive and thriving before worrying about breeding. I am worried you are thinking you can cross breed some rare never seen panther and rake in the big bucks and I would hate to have chams and you fail. Mostly, I hate to see innocent animals suffer.

Kammerflage Kreations have the cross thing pretty locked down. Check out thier website I was looking at some of your threads, and I think you have a misconception about the panther cross thing.

Do some searching on the forums about crosses, there is a TON of info on here. Lots of arguments for and against. Also research takes a lot of time, money and experience to do it properly. :)
It is just one of those things, ppl on here will take you more seriously if you take your time and ask appropriate questions and aren't getting ahead of yourself. I see you are getting your cham in 3 weeks, focus on making sure you are set up and ready to go for the little guy or girl to gotta make sure even like having 1 cham before jumping into breeding lol they are a lot of work, incredibly rewarding though!

Edit: I was not meaning that you would let an animal suffer on purpose, but if you aren't taking proper care of them, there are many levels of suffering. And stick around awhile, you would not beleive how many ppl end up with a sick animal and have no way to take care of it - they can't get a ride to the vet, they cant afford vet bills, they didn't know thier female cham could lay eggs even with no contact with a goes on and on and gets sad some days. You seem excited, just don't want it to go badly for you!
im buying all my stuff for a guy on here hes giving me a set up and ive been researching a lot before ive even became a member on here and like i said it was just a thought
I think you will find most panther breeders like myself are into preserving the locals. Females for the most part look alike.Resulting in a mistake made here and there. I recomend starting with a pure panther male of your choice.When he is about 10 month old you will need a bigger cage. Once he is settled in his big cage, pick up a little female. Since you will have an empty cage.This is a verry slow hobbie.Take your time and do it right.(research being key)You will learn as you go. If your in a hurry for baby chams to sell.This might not be a good choice for you. I have to tell you Im all set to raise babies. And its not cheap! I hatched&sold over 80 babies in 2011.I have expanded quite a bit this year, and I have no plans on quiting my day job.
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