nosy faly

As a matter of fact you need a good day job to afford chameleons as a hobby. It is expensive - or can get expensive even breeding a clutch of veileds. Wish I could scrounge up Julirs cost breakdown of how much her clutch cost her to raise. It was an eye opener for the uninitiated.

I think you will find most panther breeders like myself are into preserving the locals. Females for the most part look alike.Resulting in a mistake made here and there. I recomend starting with a pure panther male of your choice.When he is about 10 month old you will need a bigger cage. Once he is settled in his big cage, pick up a little female. Since you will have an empty cage.This is a verry slow hobbie.Take your time and do it right.(research being key)You will learn as you go. If your in a hurry for baby chams to sell.This might not be a good choice for you. I have to tell you Im all set to raise babies. And its not cheap! I hatched&sold over 80 babies in 2011.I have expanded quite a bit this year, and I have no plans on quiting my day job.
My chams had their first copulation. They are nosey bes, I am thinking about getting an ambilobe and having a cross.
I think that if you just want pet crosses for the sake of the mystery or whatnot, just buy them. Breeding is so slow that it's almost not even worth it, in my opinion. And that way you can get very different types of crosses without having to put in the time and effort. You can get a very reddish Ambilobe cross, AND a very blue Ambanja cross, AND anything else you want without having to buy a parent of each, breed, wait a year for the whole egg process, sell off all the offspring you can't keep... etc.
Well, you can always pop/freeze/whatever eggs to make your numbers smaller if you really do just want to keep the offspring and not sell/sell as few as possible. But that brings morals and what not into this, so I think it would be best to keep it to yourself if you choose to do so.
because your funny

Because of your name, That's all. Its just the question has us cracking up. Take the time and take a look at the region and islands around Madagascar. It's pretty cool to then accualy see where their from and why they are called what they are called. OK Master. hahahah you crake me up.
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