Nosy Mitsio flaring


New Member
Hey guys. Just tried the glove trick and it worked great. he flared up real nice.
Drop a line.:D





Just a leather glove on your hand and slowley move it as if its living. Make sure your cham thinks he won the battle when all is said and done:D
How old is he? I love Mitso's!! My ambilobe male is really stubborn when it comes to firing up. Except for when he is disturbed when he is sleeping. But still then he doesnt fire up to his real potential.
He is only 6 months!! big boyyyy. I like your cham!! but ya its hard to get them sparked up to thier full potential
I love your mitsio. That guy looks good now. Just give him another 6-8 months he's gonna be a jaw dropper. Who'd ya get him from Drew/Cham Nation?
Yup he came from Chameleon Nation, hes sired by Kryptonite I also cant wait to see him in 6 months. Hope its stunning!
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