not alot of movement...


New Member
my vieled cham is 5 years old now and in the last few weeks I've noticed a huge drop in activity in him... still eating when I give him food, but tends to stay down near the bottom of his cage (2'X2'X4')... not sure why he's doing this, guy at pet store says it may be lack of water or old age even :-(
I'm in the process of moving his water sytem up higher, but not sure what else could be wrong...
5yo is pretty good for a veiled. There's a few threads on here about "how old do chameleons get" and it seemed the consensus was around 5, with a few owners who've had them live 6-8.

Have you made any changes to his habitat lately- a new lamp, or different temperature range, or different food? What is the "water system" you mention in the enclosure? Have you had him for most of his life? We could help you more if you could answer a few more questions. Here's a link to some questions you should provide information for, so others can get an idea of your cham's situation.

Most all of us have chams who recently slowed down, began to eat less, move around less, and do some other unusual things. The general consensus is that it is seasonal.

Another thought is that if the ambient temperature in the room has changed, then he may be too hot or too cold. Also, with heaters running, he may be getting dehydrated. Does he look normal to you, as far as his skin, color, eyes, etc.? Has he been losing weight? How do his poop and urates look?

My sister-in-law lives in Ottawa. It's a beautiful city. Love those tulips!
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much better!!!

seems that the problems was dehydration. Not sure if it was because he was getting older that he didn't like to go down to the bottom of his cage for water, but I set up a drip-system that he can reach from the middle of his cage. Its realy helped alot, in just a few days he's already moving alot more and even looks better. As well, just recently change his UV bulbs, someone had mentioned it to me along with the water thing. I think alot of it though has to do with old age and not wanting to travel as far, but with the water and all he's alot livelier, still 'running' around lol and climbing over everything! He may be getting slower but I think he's got alot of life left in him!!!


  • Igor 003-2.JPG
    Igor 003-2.JPG
    55.1 KB · Views: 122
Always nice to hear someone solved the problem! With any luck your lil guy will live for a while still! :)
I am always happy when i see a happy chameleon.
He's lucky to have such a responsible owner. 5 years and still kicking is amazing. You have done well :)
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