New Member
Hey I’m new to Chameleon ownership and read somewhere that if my little guy spends all his time down on the ground level there may be something wrong with him. I have only had him a week and the last two days he sits and hides in one corner of his (temporary) cage. Before that he was basking all day and going to that corner to sleep after turning out his lights. There is more vegetation on that side so I’m hoping maybe he is hiding and doesn’t feel he needs to back currently but I’m unsure. When I feed him he gets active and goes hunting but shortly afterwards he returns to that corner. The only change I’ve made in his environment is reducing his wattage on his basking light from 75 to 60 due to me feeling like it was getting too warm. I do have a fear of him not drinking from the leaves also. I must his vegetation 3-4 times a day but try not to watch him because I want him to drink rather than hide from me. I wasn’t given an age from the seller so I’m unsure exactly but here is a pic for reference.