Not eating AGAIN!!


New Member
Hi all,it's been a while since i posted anything but i'm always dipping in and out of the forum to see the craic!Trixxi has gone on hunger strike once again!!:rolleyes:the only other time she has done this is when shes getting ready to lay,i'm due to head away in the new year for a weeks holiday(a surprise gift!)so now i'm freaking out that she will more than likely lay when i'm away(it's such crappy timing it's unreal!!)i have someone i trust to look after her but at the same time i know where i'd rather be:p
Ronnie, when did she last lay? Lily laid both her clutches 4 months apart.

Wow Tiff 4 months? That should have given time for her to build back up. My girls each lay from 2 to 21/2 months apart.

Good luck Ronnie, she may lay prior to you going on vacation!! We will hope for that.
Wow Tiff 4 months? That should have given time for her to build back up. My girls each lay from 2 to 21/2 months apart.

Good luck Ronnie, she may lay prior to you going on vacation!! We will hope for that.

Yeah, she laid on Christmas Eve last year and then on Easter Sunday! She was a very religious chameleon, if there is such a thing, lol! Must have taken her that long to cook up the hundred each time!
Yeah, she laid on Christmas Eve last year and then on Easter Sunday! She was a very religious chameleon, if there is such a thing, lol! Must have taken her that long to cook up the hundred each time!

Hi Tiff,you made me laugh about Miss Lily being a very religious Cham:p!!...she last laid on the 23rd August....not even a waxie is tempting her!!now i know i'm in trouble!!:D
Hi Tiff,you made me laugh about Miss Lily being a very religious Cham:p!!...she last laid on the 23rd August....not even a waxie is tempting her!!now i know i'm in trouble!!:D

Yup! Sounds like it's eggy time again, lol! :D August was around 4 months so maybe you'll get eggs for Christmas this year! I take it that you already have a laying bin ready for her? Lily would refuse food for anything up to a week before laying. It amazes me that they can summon the energy to dig, lay and cover them up even after having no food for days! The are truly amazing creatures! I hope all goes well for you both!:D
Yup! Sounds like it's eggy time again, lol! :D August was around 4 months so maybe you'll get eggs for Christmas this year! I take it that you already have a laying bin ready for her? Lily would refuse food for anything up to a week before laying. It amazes me that they can summon the energy to dig, lay and cover them up even after having no food for days! The are truly amazing creatures! I hope all goes well for you both!:D

Thanks Tiff,laying bin always in with her (just in case!!):rolleyes:hopefully if they do come it will all be done before Christmas:)
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