New Member
Your Chameleon - Panther, 3 months
Handling - Maybe twice a week
Feeding - Crickets gut loaded with carrots, mustard grees, bug burger, flukers calicum food and hydration supplements
Supplements - Light dust with repashy calcium plus every feed
Watering - Two valve hubba mister 30 second invtervals every hour, 8 hours a day. And yes, I see him drink often.
Fecal Description - Colors look awsome. Doesn't seem lethargic, and continues to have a strong grip. Came from a breeder (kammo creations) so very low chance of parasites
History - He is 5 months old, 2 weeks
Cage Info:
Cage Type - All screen 36x24x24
Lighting - Two 5.0 UVB bulbs. One a 18" the other a 24"
Temperature - 91 basking, 78 ambiunt. Two thermometers
Humidity - hydrometer readiners are 40% min 70% max.
Plants - Umbrella plant
Placement - In my closet on a platform. Plunty of ventalation.
Location - California Bay area
- He doesn't really eat as much as he used too. I put about 15 crickets in his cage at a time, then I come home to see them all under the heat lamp untouched. This has been going on for about three days now. I saw him eat one today, but that was it. I think he seems overwhelemed maybe? I did upgrade to large crickets, and they didn't seem to big. I usually don't get anything bigger then the width of his mouth. But, crickets is all I feed him. I tried silk worms about a month ago, and he wouldn't go near them until I put them right in his face. He seems to try to eat them, buthe misses at times. But if the crickets are under the heat lamp, he won't even go near them. Any suggestions?
Handling - Maybe twice a week
Feeding - Crickets gut loaded with carrots, mustard grees, bug burger, flukers calicum food and hydration supplements
Supplements - Light dust with repashy calcium plus every feed
Watering - Two valve hubba mister 30 second invtervals every hour, 8 hours a day. And yes, I see him drink often.
Fecal Description - Colors look awsome. Doesn't seem lethargic, and continues to have a strong grip. Came from a breeder (kammo creations) so very low chance of parasites
History - He is 5 months old, 2 weeks
Cage Info:
Cage Type - All screen 36x24x24
Lighting - Two 5.0 UVB bulbs. One a 18" the other a 24"
Temperature - 91 basking, 78 ambiunt. Two thermometers
Humidity - hydrometer readiners are 40% min 70% max.
Plants - Umbrella plant
Placement - In my closet on a platform. Plunty of ventalation.
Location - California Bay area
- He doesn't really eat as much as he used too. I put about 15 crickets in his cage at a time, then I come home to see them all under the heat lamp untouched. This has been going on for about three days now. I saw him eat one today, but that was it. I think he seems overwhelemed maybe? I did upgrade to large crickets, and they didn't seem to big. I usually don't get anything bigger then the width of his mouth. But, crickets is all I feed him. I tried silk worms about a month ago, and he wouldn't go near them until I put them right in his face. He seems to try to eat them, buthe misses at times. But if the crickets are under the heat lamp, he won't even go near them. Any suggestions?