Not eating very much...


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - male ambilobe panther chameleon. 5-6 months old. had him almost 2 months.
Handling - 2 times a week maybe
Feeding - crickets gut loaded with wet and dry gutload. i give him 10-15 a day.
Supplements - repashy calcium plus everyday.
Watering - i use a habba mist. it runs 1 min every 3 hours. i see him drink almost daily.
Fecal Description - dark brown with white.
History - no major history.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - screen 2x2x4.
Lighting - 60w incandescent bulb for basking, 5.0 uvb, 6.5k plant light i just added today.
Temperature - 73 ambient. 80 basking. 67 lowest temp at night. i have a digital temp/humi meter.
Humidity - humidity goes from 70s-40s. mostly 40-45.
Plants -have a ficus and a hibiscus.
Placement - his cage is in our living room. we walk past him a lot. his cage is on the floor.
Location - northern California

Current Problem - hes not eating very much. i offer him 10-15 crickets a day like he should be eating but he will maybe only eat 5. I just want to make sure hes ok.
How big are the crickets you're feeding him? Have you fed him anything besides crickets? Also how are you feeding him? (in a cup, hand feeding?)

It may not be what's causing the problem, but I recommend you move the cage to a location with lower traffic and place him on a small stand so the cage is higher off the ground. Since they naturally live high in the trees, the more elevation you can give him, the better.
its also probably because your basking tempis too cold for him.

you shoudl try upping that to 85.
The crickets are 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch. I've been trying to find a little table big enough to fit his cage. The table I had before wasn't wide enough. And I don't really have another place to keep him right now. Our house is too small.
I just measured his basking spot and it's actually 90 degrees. I changed his basking bulb yesterday and I hadn't measured the new one.
If he's only crickets, he could simply be bored. My panther did the same as yours ate less crickets until he rufused them all together. I'd try him something else and give him so variety. Silkworms and Dubia are a good staple :)
If he's only crickets, he could simply be bored. My panther did the same as yours ate less crickets until he rufused them all together. I'd try him something else and give him so variety. Silkworms and Dubia are a good staple :)

Yea that could be the case. I gave him a couple wax worms a few weeks ago and that's when he started being a snob to crickets. I bet he would love silk worms. I wonder if my fiancé will let me have more bugs in the house lol.
sounds like hes setting you up for a hunger strike.

more bugs.

Lol awesome! Chameleons can be such brats. I'm fine with more bugs. I used to love bugs as a kid. But it's just funny how they can be so picky. But I guess I'd get tired of eating the same thing every day too.
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