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Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - male ambilobe panther chameleon. 5-6 months old. had him almost 2 months.
Handling - 2 times a week maybe
Feeding - crickets gut loaded with wet and dry gutload. i give him 10-15 a day.
Supplements - repashy calcium plus everyday.
Watering - i use a habba mist. it runs 1 min every 3 hours. i see him drink almost daily.
Fecal Description - dark brown with white.
History - no major history.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - screen 2x2x4.
Lighting - 60w incandescent bulb for basking, 5.0 uvb, 6.5k plant light i just added today.
Temperature - 73 ambient. 80 basking. 67 lowest temp at night. i have a digital temp/humi meter.
Humidity - humidity goes from 70s-40s. mostly 40-45.
Plants -have a ficus and a hibiscus.
Placement - his cage is in our living room. we walk past him a lot. his cage is on the floor.
Location - northern California
Current Problem - hes not eating very much. i offer him 10-15 crickets a day like he should be eating but he will maybe only eat 5. I just want to make sure hes ok.
Your Chameleon - male ambilobe panther chameleon. 5-6 months old. had him almost 2 months.
Handling - 2 times a week maybe
Feeding - crickets gut loaded with wet and dry gutload. i give him 10-15 a day.
Supplements - repashy calcium plus everyday.
Watering - i use a habba mist. it runs 1 min every 3 hours. i see him drink almost daily.
Fecal Description - dark brown with white.
History - no major history.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - screen 2x2x4.
Lighting - 60w incandescent bulb for basking, 5.0 uvb, 6.5k plant light i just added today.
Temperature - 73 ambient. 80 basking. 67 lowest temp at night. i have a digital temp/humi meter.
Humidity - humidity goes from 70s-40s. mostly 40-45.
Plants -have a ficus and a hibiscus.
Placement - his cage is in our living room. we walk past him a lot. his cage is on the floor.
Location - northern California
Current Problem - hes not eating very much. i offer him 10-15 crickets a day like he should be eating but he will maybe only eat 5. I just want to make sure hes ok.